cant get the formula right



e5 could say 3 as its more than 0
e6 should say 3 as it was a better time than b5
e7 should say 1 as its not a better time than b6
e8 should say 2 as it is equal to b6

e12 should say 1 as its not a better time than b6
e13 should say 1 as its not a better time than b6


What does B5 and B6 contain?
Why do you say
e6 should say 3 as it was a better time than b5 - What is better
than b5?
e7 should say 1 as its not a better time than b6 - What is better
than b6?
e8 should say 2 as it is equal to b6 - What is equal to b6?
The same applies for E12 and E13

Surely, these arguments should be based on some cell(s) containing values
which are being compared to B4 and B6? You cannot have 1:33:20 in B5, 1:31:48
in E6, and then let E6 be equal to 3 at the same time. If you then have
1:34:10 in E7, then E7 vcannot be equal to 1 at the same time. The same with
1:33:20 in E8.

I suggest you repost, with more precise detail on your problem!

It is impossible to suggest a solution without sufficient information


Your post doesn't explain very much so just taking
a bit of a guess.

Assuming B5 is a typo, B6 contains a time
and column E contains other times,
put this in F5 and drag down as far as is needed.



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