Cant get this please help



i have built a simple website using publisher 2003.Everything works perfect i
only have one problem. When i am in a page and i do a refresh of the page
instead of it refreshing the page its on it refreshes back to my home page. I
have no idea what i did wrong and i have looked everywhere on publisher but
cant seem to find nothing about this issue.I would really appreciate any help
on this. Thanks.


This is a first. Please provide a link to the page that refreshes to your
home page. That is the only way to help you, and besides, I wanna see this.



Sorry forgot to mention it does it on all pages im on it will refresh back to
home page


It is refreshing to your home page because you have framed the site. If you
move off the home page and hit refresh, the address remembered by your
browser is your home page...the address in your browser stays at your home
page. Solution...don't frame your site.

Framing is a bad idea. Google the subject for all the many reasons. Besides
the obvious problem look at the source code (view > source code). That is
what the search engines see...they see nothing of the page...they index
nothing on the page. Why have a site up when the search engines can't index

Instead of going to, your framed site, go
to and then look at your source code. Also now try
following the links and doing a page refresh.

And now for some free advice. Think about getting rid of the mouse
trailing...sure it looks cool but most people will find it very irritating
and will leave your site. It only works in IE anyway. Remember that just
because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you should. Ask yourself how that
trailing mouse feature is going to help the viewer navigate your site? Do
you want people looking at the mouse trail or reading your content? You have
done a lot of good work so be careful about adding so many bells and
whistles that you create a can't see the forest for the trees site. Remember
the KISS philosophy... As I have said, you have done a lot of good work,
and I mean no insult, but read some of the content here: It is both entertaining and helpful in
avoiding some of the pitfalls of web design.

Limit the number of pictures and compress the pictures that you do use. The
more you use, the longer it takes for the page to load. is 906KB...takes 5 minutes to
download on a dial up connection. - 867 kb. - 3.3 megs! takes over 15
minutes to load...people are not going to wait around. Either use a third
party image editor to resize, and optimize your images before you insert
them or use the compress graphics tool:
Reference: Compress graphics file sizes to create smaller Publisher Web
pages (2003):

And one other small thing. You are serving Plattesville, Gilcrest, etc...but
where...Indiana...England...Asia? Add the State at least, so people will
know where you are.



thanks for the tips but i really dont get this framing stuff. ive tried
googling it but i dont get still learning on this site stuff so i
havnt really put it out for any one yet still trying to get it all straight
before i do that. still in the testing process.

thanks for the mouse cursor tip never really thought about that lol.but like
i said i dont have it out for public eyes yet although i did get my domain
name just in case and so its ready when im ready to get it up. just dont
understand this framing stuff.


Your site was available to the public...that is how I saw it. Today it
appears that you have taken it down. Were you hosting the site on your ISP's
free website space or something? Sometimes they will provide a small amount
of web space to host a small personal website, but the catch is they frame
the site, and it is not intended for a business site. That may account for
the framing if you did not purposely choose to frame your site.

You say that you bought your domain name. Have you signed up for web
hosting? Where? All web hosts provide instructions for uploading your site
to their servers and explain how to point your domain name to those servers.
If you have signed up for hosting, read the FAQs and support section for

Also you might reference: Prepare, publish, and maintain your Publisher Web



no i have a pc i run my own server on i load it to just test it. i do not
have a hosting provider yet.all i do is add it to a certain folder in my pc
to get it online.i put it in there after you requested my web address so you
can see the refreshing problem. after im done testing i remove it from this
folder and no longer shows up for the web.i understand when i do that it is
for public eyes thats why i remove it immediatly after testing cuz its not
so can doing this add these frame things you are talking about. i dont load
my web files anywhere but to my pc.because i still cant get this framing it like the sections it makes for a web because thats all i can find
when i google it and i never added no frames starting working on my web with
a blank pub web page. then just starting adding the contents.


Ok. The framing occurred because of the way you set things up on your own
server. I have never set up a server, and I don't know if you are planning
to host your own site or not, but once you have things set up correctly then
you should not have the framing issue. Here are some references from GoDaddy
to get you started. Read through their FAQ and support section and you
should be able to get things sorted out.

How do domain names work?:

What is DNS?:

What is a nameserver?:



thany you very much for your help i will look into this articles you referred
me to.again thanks for your help


Sorry one quick question left. after naming all my pages to my site do i need
to put information of all pages on the discription and keywords section or do
i leave those blank.the only page i have discription and keywords are on the
first page only.


The quick answer is yes. It will help with the SEO (search engine

Be sure to test your site with FireFox as you finish it up. If your site
renders correctly with both IE and FF then you will know that it will render
with most all browsers.


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