It is refreshing to your home page because you have framed the site. If you
move off the home page and hit refresh, the address remembered by your
browser is your home page...the address in your browser stays at your home
page. Solution...don't frame your site.
Framing is a bad idea. Google the subject for all the many reasons. Besides
the obvious problem look at the source code (view > source code). That is
what the search engines see...they see nothing of the page...they index
nothing on the page. Why have a site up when the search engines can't index
Instead of going to, your framed site, go
to and then look at your source code. Also now try
following the links and doing a page refresh.
And now for some free advice. Think about getting rid of the mouse
trailing...sure it looks cool but most people will find it very irritating
and will leave your site. It only works in IE anyway. Remember that just
because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you should. Ask yourself how that
trailing mouse feature is going to help the viewer navigate your site? Do
you want people looking at the mouse trail or reading your content? You have
done a lot of good work so be careful about adding so many bells and
whistles that you create a can't see the forest for the trees site. Remember
the KISS philosophy... As I have said, you have done a lot of good work,
and I mean no insult, but read some of the content here: It is both entertaining and helpful in
avoiding some of the pitfalls of web design.
Limit the number of pictures and compress the pictures that you do use. The
more you use, the longer it takes for the page to load. is 906KB...takes 5 minutes to
download on a dial up connection. - 867 kb. - 3.3 megs! takes over 15
minutes to load...people are not going to wait around. Either use a third
party image editor to resize, and optimize your images before you insert
them or use the compress graphics tool:
Reference: Compress graphics file sizes to create smaller Publisher Web
pages (2003):
And one other small thing. You are serving Plattesville, Gilcrest, etc...but
where...Indiana...England...Asia? Add the State at least, so people will
know where you are.