Can't import mbox files to Entourage



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

I have tried to move the mbox files but still couldn't after reading the steps in the forum
Please advise.

William Smith [MVP]

I have tried to move the mbox files but still couldn't after reading
the steps in the forum

Hi Jock!

We don't know what you've read here and what you've tried. Could you
please explain your problem completely and then tell us what you've
already tried? Where did the mbox files come from? How are you trying to
import them? What are the files names?



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Wm Gardner

I have the EXACT same problem. The option is greyed out completely. I have tried changing the filename and even tried changing the case of the extension. Checked the file permissions in both the GUI interface and at a $.

This worked for me a few months ago when I first made the switch from PC. Is anyone aware of any changes?

Thanks in advance,

Diane Ross

Wm Gardner said:
I have the EXACT same problem.

You did not give any info like what version of Entourage you are using and
how the files were created.

The next time you have a question, please start your own thread. This makes
it easier to follow YOUR problem without getting replies mixed up with
various questions that are often similar but have different solutions.

More on import/export:


See these movies for dealing with MBOX and .rge files.


Wm Gardner

To the benefit of everyone else digging through all these messages (trying to clean up after my identical issue here Diane....). For comparison purposes, I am also running Office '08 (Entourage 12.1.4) on Leopard.

I got an idea based on a comment by Corentin Cras-Méneur on a similar thread. Drag the file directly from Finder to the folder in Entourage that you want to house this mailbox. Entourage has to be open and you have take it to the folder itself, not the application icon on your Dock. Attempting to open the file with Entourage does not work either.

As this runs completely contrary to the Import/Export utility instructions and video, it does seem to be a product defect. For what it's worth, it does match the "drag and drop" method from the video (now that I have watched it).

Hope it helps,

Diane Ross

Wm Gardner said:
trying to clean up after my identical issue here Diane....). For comparison
purposes, I am also running Office '08 (Entourage 12.1.4) on Leopard.

We've had threads that have gone on for months with so many different users
adding their similar problem that nothing made sense out of the thread. One
of the longer threads had over 70 messages. Often the original question and
replies get lost and no one know what answer goes with what question. The
real fix should come from a redesign of the Mactopia interface.
Drag the file directly from Finder to the folder in Entourage that you want to
house this mailbox. Entourage has to be open and you have take it to the
folder itself, not the application icon on your Dock. Attempting to open the
file with Entourage does not work either.

As this runs completely contrary to the Import/Export utility instructions and
video, it does seem to be a product defect. For what it's worth, it does match
the "drag and drop" method from the video (now that I have watched it).

I just double checked and had no problem.

1) Select File --> Import
2) Contacts or messages from a text file
3) Import messages from an MBOX-format text file

How was the MBOX file created? What size? If it's a large file, try a
smaller test file and see if that works. If there is a bug in the import,
let's see if we can determine what the problem is.

Wm Gardner


The file was generated by the MessageSave add-on for Outlook ('07 in this case). The MBOX files imported fine back in early November, when I first got my Mac and loaded Office '08.

It was larger than I would have liked, I did not limit my ranges and accidentally brought across all my sent items from this machine (several years) instead of just what I had produced from my XP Pro laptop while traveling over the past few weeks. It ended up being 55MB.

The import interface works fine, it just has the file "greyed out" and will not allow selection.

I can generate a couple of e-mails from the laptop and try it again. Maybe there is a file size limitation that is not documented. If there is anything else you would like me to test, please let me know.

Being new to Mac (love it by the way, after years with a very technical background with PC/UNIX environments) I am inherently new to this forum. I did not appreciate that proper protocol here was not to build upon like cases but to start anew. I will keep this in mind for the future.

Thank-you for your assistance,

Diane Ross

Wm Gardner said:
The file was generated by the MessageSave add-on for Outlook ('07 in this
case). The MBOX files imported fine back in early November, when I first got
my Mac and loaded Office '08.
It ended up being 55MB.

That's not so big.

Let's test your database. Under Entourage select "Switch Identity." No need
to set up your accounts. Just cancel out and then try importing the MBOX
file into the blank Identity. If that works, then it's your database. Let me
know how this test goes. Our next step would be to test in a new User's
account. Go to System Preferences --> Create a New User in Accounts. Switch
to the New User by logging out/in or use Fast User Switching. Test Entourage
in the new User.

How to rebuild:


Read carefully. Be sure to make the backup in the Finder first. If the terms
User and Identity are confusing to you see this article:

Tech Terms


Basic terms used with Entourage and the Apple Operating System (OS) to help
new users and switchers.
I did not appreciate that proper protocol here was not to build upon like
cases but to start anew. I will keep this in mind for the future.

Adding your comments and suggestions to a person's problem is a good thing,
but when you add your own question this is where it starts getting
problematic. We want to help users and I can see you are eager to learn.

The Mactopia forum is an interface to the newsgroup. It was launched last
Jan when Office 2008 was released. It has many problems and we are working
with Microsoft to try and correct them. Evidently many people do not
understand how to start their own thread and often will add onto a thread
about similar or even on a completely different subject. It gets terribly

Your best option is to use a newsreader. Entourage has a basic newsgroup
with the Microsoft server already setup. All you need to do is subscribe to
the newsgroup that interests you. You can download old messages and use
Spotlight to search.


Cheers and Welcome to Mac! I have a few tips and links posted to help new
users here:

Sep 11, 2024
Reaction score
Don't worry if Entourage isn't able to import MBOX files; it's just acting dramatic as usual. Here's how to make it better:

MBOX to RGE (Entourage Format) conversion

You might need to convert your MBOX files first because Entourage likes RGE files. Make use of a program such as BLR MBOX Converter Software.
  • After launching the program, choose your MBOX file.
  • Select the output format of RGE.
  • Save and convert the file.
  • Choose the RGE file under File → Import after opening Entourage.


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