can't insert text with pictures



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel


can't insert website date (text with pictures) in Word 2004 document as is is possible on Word 2000 for Windows where you can insert HTML data.
Word 2004 (Mac) allows only text. Is there a solution?
Tank you.


It isn't a matter of what Word "allows" as much as it is a matter of what
your browser is willing/able to copy from the source & how the source offers
it up. The program you're using while copying determines what gets copied to
the clipboard, and the system running Office 2000 is most likely to also be
running an older version of Internet Explorer. Older versions of IE were
quite irresponsible, but much has changed over the years due to security
concerns. Modern browsers are typically far more discreet about what they
copy & many web sites are far more protective of what they offer.

Control/Right-Click the selected content in your browser & see what's
offered in the contextual menu.


Thank you Cyber Taz,

but the difference in the Mac and Windows versions are that the paste special (I have a German version) shows for the Mac version only unformatted text and for the Windows version both, unformatted Text and HTML. The same is for open office.
I use on both systems firefox.


John McGhie

Sorry, Bob's right... The culprit is the browser, not Word. Word will
accept anything it finds on the clipboard. It's up to the browser to get
stuff onto the clipboard where it can be pasted.

You may want to check to see if there is a more modern version of your
browser available. I just tried this on with Firefox
3.5.3 in Word 2004 on OS 10.6.1 and it "worked" :) It even worked in Word

Sadly, Safari is a lost cause: Safari 4.0.3 won't even go close. I guess
Safari is a lightweight browser that's tuned for speed, not power :)

I should heavily qualify "worked" :) I mean it took several minutes, and
produced a 30-page document that looked nothing like the Sydney Morning
Herald. However, I did get some of the formatting and all of the pictures.
The SMH is a truly difficult web page to choose because it is layered with a
huge number of "non-text widgets" of one sort or another: you will be lucky
if you get anything from it.

The key is to use Edit>Paste Special>HTML format. "HTML" is a stupid name:
it actually means "Word's native internal format" which is XML, not HTML.
But "Marketing" decided that we were all too stupid to understand XML, so
they want it called HTML.

Since you are using Word 2004, you can actually use "Open Web Page" to open
the web page inside Word. The result will be quite ugly, because Word's
HTML capability is intentionally very limited (to prevent Internet

But you will get some of the formatting and pictures.

To do this, reveal the "Web" toolbar. The button you want is the "Open Web
Page" button at the left end of that toolbar. It pops up an address box you
can paste the URL of the webpage in.

If you use the other address box on that toolbar, Word will hand the request
off to the default browser. If the web page you are after is too complex,
Word will grind away and fail, or spit it out to the browser.

Word can cope only with Static HTML. Most modern websites such as the SMH
use active server pages or Java script or XML, so they can spray ads at you.
Word will throw all of that on the floor, which means you may get nothing.

They took the Web toolbar out of Word 2008, because so many web sites out
there now serve pages that are not "documents" and Word simply can't process


Thank you Cyber Taz,

but the difference in the Mac and Windows versions are that the paste special
(I have a German version) shows for the Mac version only unformatted text and
for the Windows version both, unformatted Text and HTML. The same is for open
I use on both systems firefox.



This email is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless you intend to pay!

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


Hi John,

it is somewhat confusing. Is there any difference between Word for OS X and Windows and also for German and English version?

I can't find a button: File > Open Web Page. I can only find: Save as Web page.

I'm working with Word 2002 PC (sorry it's not 2000)finding under Paste special following:
Unformatted Text
Unformatted Unicode Text

Open Office
HTML Format
HTML Format without comments
Unformatted Text

Word 2004 Mac
Unformatted Text

I'm missing the HTML Format!!
In all cases I use the same firefox browser version 3.0.11.

Thank you for help.

John McGhie

OK, sorry you have to read these things character-for-character, and then
translate to German, which will not be easy :)

The first problem is your version of FireFox. Go up to 3.5.4 (which came
out today!) and see if that makes a difference.

Next: In Word 2004, the "Open Web Page" command does not appear on the
"File" menu. It is on a Toolbar named "Web". You need to go to
View>Toolbars and reveal your Web toolbar.

On that toolbar, the left-most button is "Open Web Page". Click it and it
will pop up a dialog into which you can paste the web address.

I cannot vouch for Copy/Paste working in OS 10.5 ‹ that's weeks ago and I
can't remember (sorry!). But it does work in OS 10.6.1 if you are on an
Intel Mac.

We should also be aware that some web pages do not contain any text to be
copied: If the images are done in flash or one of its clones, they won't
actually make it to the clipboard to be pasted.

Which web page are you after?


Hi John,

it is somewhat confusing. Is there any difference between Word for OS X and
Windows and also for German and English version?

I can't find a button: File > Open Web Page. I can only find: Save as Web

I'm working with Word 2002 PC (sorry it's not 2000)finding under Paste special
Unformatted Text
Unformatted Unicode Text

Open Office
HTML Format
HTML Format without comments
Unformatted Text

Word 2004 Mac
Unformatted Text

I'm missing the HTML Format!!
In all cases I use the same firefox browser version 3.0.11.

Thank you for help.


This email is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless you intend to pay!

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

John McGhie

OK. The first link is a ".php" (database...) page, not a .html
(Hypertext...) page. Word can't open .php because it cannot send the
sequence of commands needed to retrieve each item. But it is not supposed
to crash!

The second page is more normal.

I was able to copy and paste the pictures, text, and formatting from both
using FireFox 3.5.5 and Word 2008 12.2.6 and Word 2004 version 11.5.5.

Of course, the results arrive as a mess, because Word cannot keep up with
cascading style sheets and floating layouts: you need an HTML rendering
engine for that, and Word does not contain one (it was designed to use the
one in Internet Explorer, then they dropped IE for the Mac).

But you will get the text, the fonts, and the pictures out.

In Word 2004, you may have to use Edit>Paste Special> As HTML... To force it
to bring the text in formatted. In Word 2008, Command + v works here...


Hi John,
the part Open Web Page is done and I have used it.

I do not refer to a special web page. It is of general interset. If I find
something that could help me for computer work or other interseting fields
(science etc.) I save it in a document.

Now here are two Links:
With the Link
Word crashed to open it with Open Web Page.

With the Link
I could open the Web Page in Word 2004 and copy from that Text and Pictures in
a document.

It is not so easy as under Windows but I will try later to update Firefox.



This email is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless you intend to pay!

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

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