Can't install Analysis ToolPak for Office XP



I want to install the Analysis ToolPak in Excel, Office XP
Professional. I have the original cds but they are the Educational
version. When I install the disc, it says it can't find the proper
files and to do a search for pro.msi. No such file exists, although
there is a proret.msi. When I try that, it says it's not a valid
installation file.

The files I've read are neccesary for the analysis toolpak also aren't
found on the cd.


Does this tookpak not exist on the Educational Versions? Any idea how I
can get this toolpak installed?



MK I have the same problem. I have a valid copy of the Educational version
but cannot load analysis toolpak. I am told that the file analys32.xll
cannot be found. I can't find any of the 4 files mentioned on the
installation CD (but suspect they would be in a cabinet file anyhow). I
haven't found the answer searching various forums, although there are
certainly a few people out there with the same problem. All posts I've seen
are in the last few months, and I am beginning to suspect that one of those
awful automatic microsoft updates has screwed things up. I always seem to
have a backlog of 10 that fail to install.


Finally cracked it!

But only by totally uninstalling Office, and re-installing it (this time
specifying Analysis ToolPak).

Why id this work, but it didn't work to run setup or use Add/Remove Programs
to modify the configuration of Office whilst installed? I dn't know, but I
still suspect it was one of those updates that screwed things up.

Good luck

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