Can't install Business contact Manager software - server error...?



A friend suggested I install the Business Contact Manager application that
came with my purchased Office Professional 2003. I did so (successfuly it
would seem) but when I tried to activate it, I got an error message that sent
me to the Microsoft site for a downloadable fix. There I found 3 required
downloads, which I then installed. After restarting my computer I then got a
"server error" - and the application installation (Biz Contacts Mgr) kept
aborting. Thinking it may have been the sequence in which I loaded the actual
application and then downloaded the hot fixes, I decided to remove the
application using Control panel, so I could reinstall it.
This didn't help either.

I have no idea why I get the particular error about a server when I try to
install the application via the installation wizard (setup file on CD). HELP!
What could be the source of my problem? I have no idea what I need to do to
get this thing working?

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