Can't install my new Office 2007 Professional Upgrade



It's a good job that I don't live anywhere near a tall bridge...

I can't install Office 2007 Professional Upgrade. Some specifics:
1) Trying to install on my desktop machine - it installed fine on my laptop
2) I have Office 2000 Premium and Office Works Suite 2006 on the desktop
(running XP)
3) Have previously installed a 2007 trial edition. I seem to recall
something odd happened during the uninstall (a while ago), but can't recall
any specifics - remember thinking, 'oh-oh, hope that doesn't mean I'll have
problems installing the real thing...'
4) When trying to install now, the installing application
a) asks for the product key
b) gives me a green check mark
c)runs for about 90 seconds as if installing (no green progress bar though)
d) there's an odd noise from the computer (like a disc drive is being
e) immediately after the install terminates with exactly these words:
"Microsoft Office Professional 2007 encountered an error during setup"
5) I have googled this problem extensively. As a result, I have:
a) Confirmed that there's nothing 2007-related in the Add/Remove programs
b) Removed all 2007-related .msi files from the Installer.
c) Stopped the 2007 Office Services
d) Removed Office 12 and source Engine files or references from:
%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared
%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office
%appdata%\microsoft\document building blocks\language_id
%AllUsersprofile%\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Data
6) Deleted %temp%
7) Deleted folders with 0FF1CE)- from the MSOCache\All Users folder
8) Removed the beta release version of the 2007 Office registry subkeys as
per the instructions in kb 928218

I'm at a complete loss. Please help!!!!



I did, thanks. But I also just found the solution to my problem - am posting
in case anyone finds it useful.

The problem was that during the uninstall of the 2007 trial something went
wrong and a file was created called rgstrtn.lck. KB 927153 shows how to
remove this. All was well after that....


Hi, I need help too. I purchased office 2007, student and teacher
version and now upgraded to office 2007 professional. After the
installation, none of my programs converted to professional and give me
error message "office application version does not match"--already been
to Microsoft and followed the BCM error message fix but it didnt' work.
Called Microsoft office customer support--no help. HELP Please!


You know, this seems to be a growing problem. Much like Apple reducing the
price of the iPhone, after advertising it for $600+ dollars!
I don't yet, have an answer for your problem, which is the same as mine, but
if I get some kind of solution, I'll post it here; and here's hoping you'll
do the same!!!
BTW, if you get a reply from someone using the initials, "DL", don't expect
too much!!!!


Hey, after an hour phone call with the microsoft tech support, we
firgured it out. He had me do so many thing. Here's what you do:

Control Panel--> programs and features -->Select the old version of
Office you have (my case was 2007 home/student, as I was upgrading to
Professional version) and click change --> add/remove features -->when
list of programs open, click on Excel, word, and PowerPoint (one at a
time) and select "not available" and continue out of there, restart.

After restart go back to Control Panel --> Programs and features
-->select the upgrade version and do the same (add/remove features)
click "run on my computer" then restart.

After restart go to and download
the fix, install it, resstart and then open word or Excel and it should
be fix. Although, at first, the error "version not match" came on but
after click ok, it was gone and if you go to about (microsoft program)
and click on activate, it will tell you that the program you're using
is part of the upgrade family. At least that what it did for me.

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