Can't install OneNote Mobile



I don't know why, but even when I cardle palm to PC, and it's
correctly connected, it doesn't let me to install OneNote mobile. Even
button 'install OneNote Mobile' is inactive.
I have Office 2007 and WM 5.0. Anybody knows what to do?

Mags Ingval

I can't say this for a FACT but I couldn't get the trial version to allow me
to attempt this either. My licensed version however did give me this
BUT... I still couldn't synch. My error message says I must be running a
smartphone with W5 or Win2003 Mobile...
My mobile phone IS running Win2003 Mobile.. but maybe it's not a
It's an HP6515... can anybody answer that?

Mags Ingval

XP... but will probably move soon.

Everything else syncing OK depends on what you mean.

Sync to Office Live for Outlook Contacts and Calendar doesn't work.

All other syncs to phone work.
Will take a gander at your other post concerning it not being a smartphone
I wrote Cingular on Friday and asked them to figure out a way for me to
upgrade/change phones. I figured my current phone's IQ rating might not be
'Smart" enough!

Mags Ingval

Thanks Sven...
Concerning the link... been there and done that to no avail. That's when I
came here.. I think you are on the money concerning my phone not being
Smart enough.
Yes... one note 2007 .. 4.2


That was kind of directed at IgorNaw, since he didn't indicate. Did mention
WM5 and Office 2007, but that doesn't necessitate either XP or Vista and
it's important whether we are dealing with ActiveSync or WMDC.

For you it isn't a matter of Smart enough, it is that your HP isn't in the
SmartPhone family. The biggest obvious distinction is that a SP as
identified by MS does not have a touch screen, your device does, and so
falls into the Pocket PC Phone Edition category. Actually, I think it has
more capability than a SP, since you have native Office apps, file sync, and
some other stuff.

Not sure what you mean by Office Live for Outlook Contacts and Calendar. Is
this an online service? Windows Mobile devices sync with Outlook on the
desktop or an Exchange server.

What other syncs work?

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