Hi Mike,
I get a message inside the Add-ins that the mscoree.dll isn't loading on
startup. I've tried repairing and uninstalling this add-in and Word keeps
saying the Add-in is inactive.
Is this a COM Add-in you've programmed in .NET? If so, then the better place
to get a discussion on this would be the office.developer.com.add_ins
newsgroup. This group is for end-user questions.
But before you post there, you should do a couple of things
1. Search for and read up on the topic "shim". Besides KB and MSDN
documentation also look for topics in the blogs, especially that of Andrew
2. Check what other add-ins are (trying to) load in the same application.
All non-VSTO, managed code COM add-ins load through the mscoree.dll, and are
thus in the same AppDomain. If one fails, all fail, and everything is
"inactive". Using a Shim will put an Add-in in a different AppDomain.
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)
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