Can't Install Works Suite 2004



This is embarrassing. Trying to install Works Suite 2004, but can't get past "must close following programs: "Norton AV (navapw32.exe)". I assume this is the AV autoprotection executable. Tried closing it via Task Master, and have tried disabling it via Norton AV options, but neither appear to temporarily disable the autoprotection...and I can't get to first base with the Works Suite 2004. Is there any way I can get past this first step, short of uninstalling Norton and then reinstalling it once Suite 2004 is installed?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Disabling Auto-Protect in NAV should suffice, I would have thought.

bustermc said:
This is embarrassing. Trying to install Works Suite 2004, but can't get
past "must close following programs: "Norton AV (navapw32.exe)". I assume
this is the AV autoprotection executable. Tried closing it via Task Master,
and have tried disabling it via Norton AV options, but neither appear to
temporarily disable the autoprotection...and I can't get to first base with
the Works Suite 2004. Is there any way I can get past this first step,
short of uninstalling Norton and then reinstalling it once Suite 2004 is

Graham Mayor

Without having Works suite to check, are you sure that you can't just ignore
this message and continue the installation? I have never known Norton AV
prevent the installation of software that is not a virus, and some
installation routines flag the presence of AV products just to be on the
safe side. In those instances, you can OK the warning and continue the

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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When I initiate the install, it tells me the first step is to close the following applications (which includes the NAV executable); I can close all except the NAV exe, but the "continue" button is grey'd out and not an option as long as the NAV exe appears.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

This is after you've right-clicked on the NAV icon in the Systray and
clicked on "Disable Auto-Protect"?

bustermc said:
When I initiate the install, it tells me the first step is to close the
following applications (which includes the NAV executable); I can close all
except the NAV exe, but the "continue" button is grey'd out and not an
option as long as the NAV exe appears.

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