Can't keep alternate email in title line when printring


Mark Tangard

I'll grant, that may not be the clearest title but it's not easy to
describe this problem.

I'm set up to receive emails addressed to me *and* emails sent by
members of the public to a handful of special addresses corresponding to
each of our firm's publi works projects. At intervals we assemble a
hardcopy collection of these special-project emails.

Until recently, when printing these messages, we were able to make the
project name appear in the page's "title" portion. (By this I mean the
one bold horizontal line and the one line of bold text indicating whose
mailbox the message was from -- the stuff that prints *above* the
To/From/Date/Subject block.) All I needed to do was switch the default
email account to the corresponding project account (instead of mine),
then print, then switch it back. This was useful for the printed output
because it showed the project name, rather than my name, at the top of
the page.

Now, for some reason, I can't make that happen. No matter which account
is set as the default, any message I print appears with my name at the
top of the page.

What changed? Is this part of a recent update? If yes, is there a way
around that? We're running Outlook 2003 SP1 under WinXP.

Thanks for any clues.

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