Can't Keep Firefox default browser after installing Frontpage 2003


Bob S.

[Windows XP SP2, Office 2003, Frontpage 2003]

Before installing Frontpage, I was using an Excel 2003 spreadsheet that has
a column that has URL links. After clicking a link, Firefox would start and
load the page that the URL referenced. After installing Frontpage, when I
click a link in the spreadsheet Internet Explorer starts and loads the page.

When I go to "Program Access and Defaults" on the start menu and select
"Custom", it shows Internet Explorer as my default browser. After choosing
Mozilla Firefox and clicking OK, a brief message appears saying "Setting
Mozilla Firefox as default application".

If I immediately go back and check under custom, the selection is back to
Internet Explorer. I've tried re-booting with no luck.
Interestingly, if I tell Firefox to check to see if it is the default
browser, it says that it IS the default browser.
I appreciate any suggestions.

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