Can't kill custom toolbar?!?



I was drug into switching from Win/Word2000 to Win/WordXP. Normal came over
okay with all my macros and toolbars. I had to rebuild one custom toolbar
with four macro buttons, though, because only one of the buttons could find
the associated macro. Accomplished with no problem.

Except now I can't get rid of the previous toolbar! I have
right-clicked>>Customize, select and Delete a half-dozen times! I even went
so far as to close all open docs and open the VBE, then use the following
Dim objCB As CommandBar
For Each objCB In Application.CommandBars
If objCB.Name = "Summaries" Then
End If
Next objCB

I watched the thing disappear! Then I saved Normal from the VBE and closed
Word. Next time I open - boom! there it is! Can someone help me kill this
thing, please?!!



Well, Howard, it's good to know I'm in such distinguished company. 8>)
IT drug me kicking and screaming into Win/Office XP, and crazy things have
been happening ever since. I finally just drug every button off the toolbar
while holding Alt and then closed the toolbar; it hasn't come back yet.

I just keep wondering what other "features" are out there for me to


Howard Kaikow

That's not a feature, just a damn bad bug.
If you do enough programming, you'll have even more adventures.

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