can't logon to 1 machine. get following errors


alan fluhrer

| After finishing the exchange optimizer, my laptop works fine but my
| has no access to excvhange data.
| After booting up and typing in my password I seem fine. Then when I click
| open outlook I get 2 red X messages
| #1 says: " the extension configuratrion file "C:\program files\microsoft
| office\office\addins\fldpub.ecf" could not be installed. There is an error
| the syntax or format of the file.
| #2 error says .....cannot start microsoft office outlook. Unable to open
| outlook window. Before you can use this offline office folder file, you
| connect to your microsoft exchange server with the current profile and
| syncronize your folders art least once"
| any suggestions here?
| thanks
| Alan


You may want to disable your Add In and then do some detective work there.
The error message is pretty straight forward, the Add In can't be installed
due to an error. As for Outlook not opening, if you're in offline mode and
haven't synchronized with Exchange while connected and online, there would be
nothing to work with offline.

alan fluhrer


thanks. While I am proficient to a point with my system I do have a few
questions still as I investigate.this issues

1> how do I disable the add-in's I am not sure how.

2> is there a client add-in and a mathing server side add-in that may have
becoime corrupted ?

3?> it looks like I can open and edit the add-ins from clipboiard. Is this
possibly a good thing or asking for more trouble?

4> regarding further investigating the add's where I could use
some advioce???? What would the next-steps be for furtheer investigation?

thanks in advance


alan fluhrer

Sorry I neglected to say that after these errors outlook just closes and
doesn't give me any access


Have you tried deleting and recreating the profile? You can do this from the
control panel.

alan fluhrer

I thought about it but wasn't sure I could delete these without a lot of
opther problems cropping up. Here's some additional info....I don't know if
it means anything. there is the same file on the server....but I cannot open
it to read anything. I will try deleting it on the client machine.


alan fluhrer

good news/bad news

the good news is that the flrpub error is gone, ( I deleted and saved the
ecf and dll files though.

now this error is still there

error says .....cannot start microsoft office outlook. Unable to open
| outlook window. Before you can use this offline office folder file, you
| connect to your microsoft exchange server with the current profile and
| syncronize your folders art least once"

I thought they were both from the same problem.

The particulars about this one I can't see any isue. From the computer
that's giving me problems,,\...I can click to the server....I can do most
things except get oin line and use outlook...... Ideally I would wonder if
deletring all the SBS exchange info on my machine...........AND/OR
......deleting all the account info off the server and then re-registering
them would work. I would just worry about losing data from the server if
deleting the account info does the data go with it? If not.....woiuld it make
sense to do this?

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