can't logon with windows authentication



We use PS 2003 with PS authentication before, but after change it to
windows authentication,everythings seems different. we can't logon the
PWA with any account (even administrator). It just shows red words,
said this account can't work,should add it to the user list by
administrator, God, i'm the admin.



Kevin W Flanagan

Try this to get back in.

1. Open Enterprise Manager for SQL Server Start menu > Program Files >
Microsoft SQL Server > Enterprise Manager
2. Expand the tree to see Tables under the Project Server database
3. On the right side, find the MSP_WEB_RESOURCES table
4. Right-click MSP_WEB_RESOURCES and select Open Table > Return all rows
5. The Administrator account should be WRES_ID = 1
6. Scroll to the right and locate the WRES_PASSWORD field
7. Delete the encrypted password and make sure nothing is in the cell
8. Login to Project Web Access with Administrator and a blank password.

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