Can't open a word document in word - says I need a converter


New Word User


I received word on my computer when I bought it. Recently I received an
e-mail that had word attachments. After I unzipped them and tried to access
them, I received an error message stating that I need a converter. My
computer is only a few months old. Why would I need a converter and how do I
get one? I looked for a system disk to load it up (because it asked for it)
but couldn't find one with it one it. I bought my system from Dell. Thanks
for any help you can give me...

Lamb Chop

Some other word processors may use "doc" as their extension too. The
document you received may not be from MS word or from newer/older version of
MS word. You need to put the office install disc or direct it to the
location of your office setup folder.

Graham Mayor

Are you sure it is a Word document? Word will recognize all the file types
it has installed filters for (including its own file format) and will either
use the required installed filter or prompt you for one that is missing.
Without knowing what the file really is it is hard to direct you to the
required converter. The document may also be corrupt and Word will treat a
corrupt document as one for which it has no converter installed.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If this is a very new computer, I'm wondering if perhaps it came with the
Word 2007 awareness stuff installed; but if that were the case, surely the
converter would be installed as well.

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