Can't open Excel 2007 files saved as 2003 in Excel 2003



When I try to open an Excel 2007 file that was saved as Excel 2003 from 2003,
it says it cannot find the file. It says to check the spelling of the file
and verify the location is correct. We have both 2007 and 2003 in our office
(don't ask me why) and we need to be able to go back and forth and this is
driving us crazy! Help!

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Laura,
When I try to open an Excel 2007 file that was saved as Excel 2003 from 2003,
it says it cannot find the file. It says to check the spelling of the file
and verify the location is correct.

Maybe this helps:

How to reinstate Excel's ability to open files with spaces
in their name/path by double clicking:

A. Have Excel correct it

1. Choose start (Start button), Run, type:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\EXCEL.EXE" /Regserver

(check the path and adjust if needed!)

2. Click OK

B. Do it yourself

1. Open Windows Explorer.
2. Choose from its menu: View, Options. (or View / Folder Options in Windows 98)
3. Select the File Types tab
4. Scroll to Microsoft Excel Worksheet
5. Click Edit
6. Select the OPEN entry (it should be highlighted (bolded)
7. Click Edit and check that the fields are set as follows:
a) Application used: should be EXCEL.EXE, loaded from the correct directory
b) Use DDE should be checked
c) The DDE message should be (exactly): [Open("%1")]
d) Application should be: excel
e) DDE Application not running should be empty
f) Topic should be: system
8. Click OK
9. Click Close
10. If you wish to double-click other Excel file types, e.g. template
(xlt) or workspace (xlw), select the appropriate type in the File Types
tab and repeat from step (5)


- Use DDE turned OFF
- Command line: "c:\program files\xlview\xlview.exe" "%1"


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer Association


I tried that step already and it didn't seem to make a difference. The only
way it seems I am able to open the 2007(saved as 2003) file is if they resave
it with a different name, then I am able to open it. But that doesn't solve
the problem of having to do that every time I need to open a file that was
worked on in 2007.
I was going to try your other suggestion, but I wasn't sure where you were
starting from when you said, "Office button."

Jan Karel Pieterse said:
Hi Laura,
When I try to open an Excel 2007 file that was saved as Excel 2003 from 2003,
it says it cannot find the file. It says to check the spelling of the file
and verify the location is correct.

Maybe this helps:

How to reinstate Excel's ability to open files with spaces
in their name/path by double clicking:

A. Have Excel correct it

1. Choose start (Start button), Run, type:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\EXCEL.EXE" /Regserver

(check the path and adjust if needed!)

2. Click OK

B. Do it yourself

1. Open Windows Explorer.
2. Choose from its menu: View, Options. (or View / Folder Options in Windows 98)
3. Select the File Types tab
4. Scroll to Microsoft Excel Worksheet
5. Click Edit
6. Select the OPEN entry (it should be highlighted (bolded)
7. Click Edit and check that the fields are set as follows:
a) Application used: should be EXCEL.EXE, loaded from the correct directory
b) Use DDE should be checked
c) The DDE message should be (exactly): [Open("%1")]
d) Application should be: excel
e) DDE Application not running should be empty
f) Topic should be: system
8. Click OK
9. Click Close
10. If you wish to double-click other Excel file types, e.g. template
(xlt) or workspace (xlw), select the appropriate type in the File Types
tab and repeat from step (5)


- Use DDE turned OFF
- Command line: "c:\program files\xlview\xlview.exe" "%1"


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer Association

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