When I try to open a Journal entry in the Activities Tab of
Contacts, using a double-click, I get an error
message "can't open this item". When I try to open the
same item using RIGHT click and "open", the item will open
just fine.
I can still open all other types of entries in the Activities Tab - like
Calendar appointments - by using a double-click. It's only Journal entries
that will not open using double-click in the Activities Tab of Contacts.
Any ideas on how to fix this back so a simple double-click
will open Journal items like it used to do?
When I go into the Journal itself, these Journal entries open just fine -
double-click and all.
Contacts, using a double-click, I get an error
message "can't open this item". When I try to open the
same item using RIGHT click and "open", the item will open
just fine.
I can still open all other types of entries in the Activities Tab - like
Calendar appointments - by using a double-click. It's only Journal entries
that will not open using double-click in the Activities Tab of Contacts.
Any ideas on how to fix this back so a simple double-click
will open Journal items like it used to do?
When I go into the Journal itself, these Journal entries open just fine -
double-click and all.