Can't open PC PPT file on new Intel iMac w/Office 2004


Edward M. Baum

A friend just made the switch from PC with a new Intel iMac with Office
2004. She tells me she can't open her old PC PowerPoint files on the Mac.

Any advice I can give her?

Ed in Dallas

Jim Gordon

Hi Edward,

With so little information it is nearly impossible to offer suggestions.

The file format for Mac and PC is the same. PowerPoint presentations are
completely portable between Mac and PC, so you can rule that aspect out.

Also, you need to know what happens when she tries to open the files and
how she attempted to open them. Are they on CDs? Were they zipped first?
I think the place to investigate the problem is to figure out how the
files were moved between the two computers.

PowerPoint does open OK on the Mac, doesn't it?

-Jim Gordon


as someone that deals with mac to pc to mac to pc powerpoints a lot i
can say they usually work just fine. without more info as to what
happened i wouldn't be able to say exactly what the issue was but i am
located in dallas so drop me a line and i might be able to give her a

brian also in dallas

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