Here's a new one for me. I've created a .ppt on PP 2004 Mac,
transferred it to a Flash drive, then to a PC laptop, and it won't
open on the laptop in PP 2003 (PC). Message is "can't open, part of
the file is missing."
The file is a basic text file with no graphics, limited formatting,
background, font, etc.
Any idea what the problem is?
Here's a new one for me. I've created a .ppt on PP 2004 Mac,
transferred it to a Flash drive, then to a PC laptop, and it won't
open on the laptop in PP 2003 (PC). Message is "can't open, part of
the file is missing."
The file is a basic text file with no graphics, limited formatting,
background, font, etc.
Any idea what the problem is?