can't open pub2000 file in pub2002



I have a bunch of Publisher 2000 files created by someone else on a different
computer. I'm trying to open them in Publisher 2002 on my Windows ME
Most of them open but two will not.

I do have Norton AntiVirus, I have already disabled script blocking and
disabled the Microsoft Office Plug-In. I installed the patch for blocking
the conversion of Wordart.

The two files are 39MB and 44MB, but I've opened a file that was 80MB
without trouble (well, it took a long time, but it opened).

Can you help?


Well, I followed the instructions in the kbdoc you mentioned, but still no
luck. When I tried the last step (attempt to recover the text in your
publication), I got a "Publisher cannot complete the operation" message, then
the "Publisher cannot open the file" message. Unless you have any other
suggestions, I guess I'll have to give up on these two.

We were really trying to find out what was different about them, so the
author could avoid doing whatever was making them not open on my system.

Thanks anyway for your help.

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