Hi Matt,
Invalid page faults are nasty things... There can be all
kinds of causes, the most common are driver conflicts on
the machine, although MSO...dll ones can also indicate a
problem in Word, itself.
Go to microsoft.com and do a BOOLEAN type search in the
Knowledge Base on:
Wd2000 AND IPF
and see if anything you turn up seems relevant to your
situation. If you don't have any luck, I'd try asking in
the application.errors newsgroup, where you're more likely
to find people who specialize in tracking this kind of
thing down.
When I try to open Word 200 files I get the following
Winword caused an invalid page fault in module
MS09.dll 017f:308cfaf8.
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update
Sep 30 2003)
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