Can't open workbook


Dave Unger


I've been pulling my hair out for the last couple of days over this
one, hopefully someone can help me out. - running Excel 97.

My routine establishes some temporary links to other workbooks (about
100), extracts a small amount of data, generates a simple report then
erases all the links. So, at the end of the routine, all that remains
is 1 sheet with 6 cells containing data.

The problem starts if I run this routine 3 or 4 times in succession,
and save it, and close. The file size increases by about 4K. If I
open it again, then save without running the macro, it drops back to
it's original size, about 60k.

So during the normal process of development, a few cycles of running
the macro, saving and closing - all at once I can't open the file, and
get an error message from Excel "This program has performed an illegal
operation and will be shut down". Nothing I do permits me to open
that file again, which now has increased to 72k.

I have a suspicion that it has something to do with those links, even
though I'm clearing them at the end of the routine. Perhaps clearing
the cells that contain the links isn't sufficient, and I should be
taking an additional step. Thanks for any help on this,




Hi Dave,

Posting your code would help would address any code issues you might have
that could be causing the problem.


"The only dumb question is a question left unasked."

Dave Unger

Hi Alan,

Here's a listing of the code - it hasn't had much refinement yet, but
it should illustrate the problem. Basically, it stores a directory
listing in a worksheet, then sets up a link to each of those files to
test whether it falls within a certain date, and if it does, extract
some data for a report

Restating the problem - every time I run the macro, and do a save, the
file gets a bit larger, by about 4k. If I re-open it, and do a save
without running the macro, it drops back to its original size, about
56k. So, it seems I'm Ok until it hits a critical size, and then I
can't open it any more. That seems to be about 72k, and takes about
10 runs in succession, then a save, to produce that. I'd be extremely
grateful for any help on this.


Option Explicit

Dim rng1 As Range, Cell1 As Range, RowCnt As Integer
Public dt1 As Date, dt2 As Date
Dim wk1 As Worksheet, wk2 As Worksheet, wk3 As Worksheet
Dim X As Long, Y As Long, Z As Long
Const MyPath As String = "C:\Documents and Settings\Dave\Desktop

Sub EntryMain()
Set wk1 = Worksheets("Report")
Set wk2 = Worksheets("Selected")
Set wk3 = Worksheets("List")


Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Call DirList 'get listing of files
Call Selected 'select files that fall between dates
Call GetReport 'get results

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sub Selected()
Dim str As String

Set rng1 = Intersect(Columns(1), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
dt1 = "10/4/6": dt2 = "1/31/07"
RowCnt = 1
For Each Cell1 In rng1
str = "= '" & MyPath & "[" & Cell1.Text & "]Sheet1'"
Cells(RowCnt, 2).Formula = str & "!C4" 'date
If Cells(RowCnt, 2) >= dt1 And Cells(RowCnt, 2) _
<= dt2 Then
Cells(RowCnt, 1) = Cell1.Text 'file name
Cells(RowCnt, 3).Formula = str & "!B38" 'cars count
RowCnt = RowCnt + 1
Cells(RowCnt, 2) = "" 'not this file
End If
Next Cell1
End Sub

Sub GetReport()


If Range("A1") = "" Then MsgBox "No files found meeting search
criteria . . .": Exit Sub

Set rng1 = Intersect(Columns(3), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
X = Application.Sum(rng1)

wk1.Cells(1, 1) = "Report for " & dt1 & " to " & dt2
wk1.Cells(3, 1) = "Total Cars ="
wk1.Cells(3, 3) = X


End Sub

Sub DirList()
Dim r As Long, direct As String, F As String

r = 1
direct = MyPath & "STR*.xls" 'MyPath in declarations
F = Dir(direct)
Cells(r, 1) = F
Do While F <> ""
F = Dir
If F <> "" Then
r = r + 1
Cells(r, 1) = F
End If
End Sub

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