Do you think I installed Mac OS 9 completely when I used custom install
and just clicked on English in the 2nd installation disc? How can I
open an excel file in the classic environment?
It's a flaw with Excel 2001, unless the file type is "XLS8" (and the
name is 31 characters or less, which is not a bug as much as a
limitation of an OS9 application) Excel won't open the file.
Also it seems that OS-X also has an issue with Excel as many of our
machines we have to coax it to run it with excel (Excel never shows up
as a "preferred application", when you use the open with settings.)
here is an applescript that can do the trick, save it as an application
and put it on your desktop and drag questionable files to it when
needed. Also adds .doc, .ppt and .xls to old files without extensions.
on SetTypes(fileList)
tell application "Finder"
repeat with x in fileList
copy name of x as string to FileName
set oldFileName to FileName
copy file type of x as string to FileType
-- copy file creator of file x as string to FileCreator
-- check for Excel
if FileName ends with ".xls" and FileType is not equal to "XLS8"
set file type of file x to "XLS8"
-- check for Word
if FileName ends with ".doc" and FileType is not equal to "W8BN"
set file type of file x to "W8BN"
-- check for PowerPoint
if FileName ends with ".ppt" and FileType is not equal to "SLD8"
set file type of file x to "SLD8"
-- check for missing extensions
-- check forWord
if FileType is "W8BN" then
if FileName does not end with ".doc" then
set Suffix to ".doc"
set FileName to FileName & Suffix
end if
-- check for PowerPoint
if FileType is "SLD8" then
if FileName does not end with ".ppt" then
set Suffix to ".ppt"
set FileName to FileName & Suffix
end if
-- check for Excel
if FileType is "XLS8" then
if FileName does not end with ".xls" then
set Suffix to ".xls"
set FileName to FileName & Suffix
end if
-- check for AppleWorks
if FileType is "CWWP" or FileType is "CWGR" or FileType is
"CWSS" then
if FileName does not end with ".cwk" then
set Suffix to ".cwk"
set FileName to FileName & Suffix
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
copy length of FileName to Filenamelength
if Filenamelength > 31 then
copy characters 1 through 27 of FileName as string to NewFilename
copy characters (Filenamelength - 3) through Filenamelength of
FileName as string to Suffix
set FileName to NewFilename & Suffix
end if
set the name of file x to FileName
end repeat
end tell
end SetTypes
on open fileList
end open