Here's a new one, at least for me.
I've selected a long , long serial number it's like 13 digits and want to
paste into a cell. This is a document that list all my software serial
But every time I try to paste, (I even tried with new blank worksheet), I
get this: 2.74165E+19 -- regardless of what cell or what worksheet I try
to paste it into.
I have no idea what this is or what it means. Any ideas appreciated.
OS 10.3.4
Office 2004
I've selected a long , long serial number it's like 13 digits and want to
paste into a cell. This is a document that list all my software serial
But every time I try to paste, (I even tried with new blank worksheet), I
get this: 2.74165E+19 -- regardless of what cell or what worksheet I try
to paste it into.
I have no idea what this is or what it means. Any ideas appreciated.
OS 10.3.4
Office 2004