Can't Post to these newsgroups from MAC


Conan Kelly

At work I'm using MAC os 9.2 and IE v. ??? When trying
to post to these newsgroups, the send button wonk't
respond. I can click it all day, but nothing. It
doesn't lock up the machine, I can still surf and do what
ever else, but can't post. Cancel button does work
though. So the only thing I can do is copy everything
I've just typed in to a word doc and take it to a Windows
machine to post it.

Does any body know why?

Thank you,

Conan Kelly

Walt Basil

At work I'm using MAC os 9.2 and IE v. ??? When trying
to post to these newsgroups, the send button wonk't
respond. I can click it all day, but nothing. It
doesn't lock up the machine, I can still surf and do what
ever else, but can't post. Cancel button does work
though. So the only thing I can do is copy everything
I've just typed in to a word doc and take it to a Windows
machine to post it.

Does any body know why?

Thank you,

Conan Kelly


What program are you using to try to post to the newsgroup? You said you are
using MAC OS 9.2 and IE (Internet Explorer?). This is not used for posting
to newsgroups unless you are using a web mail-like site to post.

Email me at wbasil at elp dot rr dot com

Current setup:
Palm m515,
Apple iBook 700 Combo
640 Megs RAM, Mac OS X 10.3.2
MS Office:mac v.X SR1 10.1.5

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