Does the error dialog prompt you to send the error to MS? If so, have you
submitted it? If so does it then prompt you with a possible solution?
What version of Publisher are you using?
Have you updated it to the latest service pack?
(service pack links available at )
This sounds like file corruption. It might be salvagable with the most
recent product build.
Are you using Norton AV, which is proven to corrupt Pub files? If so you'd
want to remove it preferably (see my site for my
AV recommendation) or at least disable it.
If you are running Norton and have not keep your product up to date then
update the product and stop Norton and see if that helps. And see if you can
do a save as and save a copy of the file and if it's corrupted too.
Ideally you would have a back-up or copy to fall back on.
I myself always make a copy of any project before I make modifications. It's
very easy to do, just File, Save as, and save a copy. That way if
modifications aren't to my liking it's much easier to return to the copy then
to back out modifications. I also do regular backups of My Documents to DVD
disc as well.
Basically I've just given you a laundry list of best practices you should
As for your file, corruption is a tough issue. Respond to my questions and
we'll see if there are options.