Can't publish project plan



I have an existing plan that I can not publish any error....but
nothing happens. I received some guidance on this site previously indicating
that some sort of corruption had occured and to save this plan as an xml doc,
delete it from the database, import it back and republish it.

I've gotten as far as reimporting the plan but I still can not publish it to
the server.

What gives? Any ideas on how I can fix this issue? Also, what can cause
this corruption? We are seeing this more and more frequently.


There can be a million things wrong and since I am not there, I can't be more
specific (sorry about that), but check these things.

The plan should not have any special chanarters like
~!@#$%^&*()+`1{}{}||\?<>?,./ in them. Underscore _ is the only one you can
use. (Others will disagree with me, but I never had a corruption when no, as
in none of the special charaters eare used.) Everything else is not,
especially &. & is a command character and if a task name becomes corrupt,
it can be interpretted a command. Don't use quotes " Again, if something
corrupts, this will either create a command string start or command string
end, depending on where the corruption lies.

Do not "cut and paste" tasks form spreadhseets or other docs as a shortcut
when creating new tasks, Type it in. Embedded (invisible) control
characters can cause great havoc.

Nothing should exceed the 254 charater count in any field (except for
resource names). Do you have a tasks that are extremely long? That is
certian to make things puke :) Tasks sound be shorth descriptions, no
narratives. If something need to be explained, stick them in the "Notes"
field. This is not a native SQL field, so you can shove as much junk (within
reason, of course) as you want.

Also, your resource pool may be corrupt. If you change (add is okay) the
resource pool while projects are checked out, that can introduce problems.
Don't touch the resource pool when projects are checked out. Do any changes
during a "maintenannce" window.

Ditto for the Enterprise Global. Don't touch it when projects are checked
out. Also, if modifying Enterpirse Oultline codes, that could be a problem
too, especially if you incrrease or decrease the dots (that is, the code
mask). If the values look strange in the resource pool (such as fileds with
"+" or "-" with no subordinate values, something went wrong there. If that's
occuring, then create a new Outline code and re-key the values, then manually
click through and pick the data then clear the old data, then delete the old
values and then remove the outline code mask.

Project lengths. Are they resonalble? meaning 0 to 1000 tasks with about
100 resources or so, or are these 6000 projects with your entire company
assigned in one project? The more you put in a project the higher the chance
of corruption.

So, in review:

Is the Enterprise Global clean? (No weird + and - happening)

Is the Resource Pool Solid? (Get rid of the ' and - such as O'Malley and Sue

Are your projects clean? No mega long tasks with & or " or ~!@^%%^%!* etc.

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