OK. We can start over. Your original question suggested that you just wanted
to upload your Pub file to your host and confused us...or at least me.
If you managed to publish, or upload your web files, before using HTTP
uploading protocol with FrontPage server extensions enabled, and now you
can't then there are a number of possible explanations.
If you made a change in your original Pub file, then run the Design Checker
to see if it will catch an error in your Pub file. For example if you added
a design element or moved one and it is hanging off the page into the
scratch area, that can prevent successful uploading.
If that does not find a problem, then its possible that your FPSE have
become corrupt, and you may need to uninstall and reinstall them on the
server. Test them via the information in this article:
Reference: Publisher web publication forms 101:
and review these articles:
Reference: How to publish a Publisher web in HTTP:
Reference: How to trouble-shoot Publisher web upload issues :
And if you "updated" to IE7 or Vista, then read:
Prepare, publish, and maintain your Publisher Web site:
It is written for Pub 2007, but if you are using IE7 instead of IE6, then
the directions for using Vista would apply. FTP uploading has changed with
the introduction of IE7. Pay particular attention to the instructions for
FTP uploading in Vista. You can probably modify these to use HTTP and
mapping a network drive.
In the future always post the version of Publisher you are using and the URL
of your site. In this case the operating system on your computer and the
version of IE is also important.