Harry Lockwood
I have all the latest OS and MS updates in place on my G4 PB.
If I try to quit Entourage, I get the spinning beach ball for a while,
and the open window disappears. But Entourage is still there in the
menu bar as the active application, and the icon in the dock indicates
the application is still open. The only way to quit is to force quit.
In Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2004 Identities/Main Identity, I
have some older files, Old Database and DatabaseOld in addition to
Any diagnostic thoughts?
If I try to quit Entourage, I get the spinning beach ball for a while,
and the open window disappears. But Entourage is still there in the
menu bar as the active application, and the icon in the dock indicates
the application is still open. The only way to quit is to force quit.
In Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2004 Identities/Main Identity, I
have some older files, Old Database and DatabaseOld in addition to
Any diagnostic thoughts?