Can't Reference from Webserver


Nick H

Hi, we have an application that consists of a number of similar UI
workbooks which all use the VBA code in a central Engine workbook
(well, it's an AddIn but not installed client side). The users launch
the UI files via links on a webserver and a UI's WorkbooOpen event
launches the Engine from a different server - our production server.
The Engine code is then accessed via 'Application.Run' statements.

This works ok but I thought it would make development life easier if
the UIs 'referenced' the engine so we didn't need to use the
'Application.Run' statements anymore and didn't have to check whether
or not the Engine was already open when launching a UI.

Referencing tests worked fine on our development server but as soon as
I copy the new UI files to the Webserver and launch via the links the
reference no longer works and I'm plagued with compile errors.

Frustratingly, if I luanch the VBE to debug, the reference to the
engine then starts to work.

Is there some parameter that needs to set before referencing a
networked workbook/AddIn will work properly from a webserver?

Best regards, Nick.

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