Can't reinstall Office Professional 2007



Based on information from someone in an earlier forum I uninstalled Office
Professional 2007 to resolve an issue with updates not installing. Since
then I am not able to re-install Office Pro 2007 and the last communication I
received was July 30. I upgraded to 2007 from Office Professional 2003 (also
an upgrade) and am currently running 2003. When I attempt to reinstall OP
2007 I get the following screen: "Setup can't find a version of Microsoft
Office on your computer..."

Accessing "C" drive I then went into Program Files and found the following:
Program Files>Microsoft Office>Office 12, and when I click on an icon (Excel)
I get the following message: "Excel failed to start correctly last time.
Starting Excel in safe mode will help you correct or isolate a startup
problem in order to successfuly start the program. Some functionality may be
disabled in this mode. Do you want to start in safe mode?" Clicking on
"yes" I get the following:' "Not enough memory to run Microsoft Office
Excel. Pleae close other applications and try again."

The next messag: This installation could not be opened. Verify that the
package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor
to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package. Other messages
have been: "The path you have chosen does not point at a qualifying
upgradeable product. Click retry to try again or cancel to quit setup."

I have given you the best information I can regarding this issue. It is
most frustrating to have purchased not only these two upgrades but all others
that came before them, and now can't use them. As in the past, I would no
doubt upgrade to Office 2009, but hesitate to do so if I can't reinstall a
working version of Office Pro 2007. If I have contacted the wrong area,
please advise me--I really need help in getting this resolved. I appreciate
your help and assistance. Thank you in advance.


You should have continued your earlier thread;
When you say issues with updates, was this win updates or?
And have you now run MS Update successfully, with any win updates installed
Until win is running/updating properly you should work out what is wrong
with win, before you try to do something about Office.


Office 2003 is Office 11.
Office 2007 is Office 12, which you stated you uninstalled.
Office 2009 is not released for Windows. The next version is likely Office

Assuming that you can do Windows updates, try the following. When you
install Office 2007 upgrade and get the message that a prior version of is
Office is not found, place the Office 2003 upgrade disc in your drive and
browse to the drive {the drive, not to a folder of the Office 2003 disc}. If
the Office 2007 installer accepts the Office 2003 disc, installation should

If you cannot do Windows updates, than as DL stated, fix that problem first.
You may have a Windows installer problem. If Windows updates do not install,
suggest you seek help from: microsoft.public.windowsupdate which is the
forum for update problems or from a Microsoft forum for your version of




First of all, I am now able to install Windows Updates. My first thread was
to the Windows Updates forum, where I was told to uninstall Office 2007.
Because it was an upgrade from 2003, I had to reinstall that before I could
reinstall 2007. That's when the problem started.

After putting in the Office 2007 product key (accepted) I then insert the
install Office 2003 disc as you suggested, which I've done numerous times
prior to contacting you. At that point rather than being able to "browse"
the disk, the screen that wants to begin installation (for 2003) comes up.

DL stated I should have stayed with the first thread, but I had had no
further help since July 30 until I got a response from both DL and you. I
apologize for the inconvenience, but I am extremely frustrated that what I
have purchased isn't working. Also, I have been trying to respond to your
message since I received it, but apparently your site was not working. Thank
you in advance for any help you can give me.


The site is working fine, its just that you are using the dreadfull web
interface. Its all much simpler using the default Outlook Express news
reader, or windows mail newsreader if in Vista

Insert your Office 2007 cd/dvd, after a mo a screen should open giving you
the option to install, early in the installation proccees a msg will pop
stating 'no qualifying version' and give you the option to browse, at this
point replace the 2007 cd, with 2003 cd and browse to the cd location, once
accepted, re swap cd's and continue with the installation


If the install Office 2003 window appears, just cancel it. It is just a
timing problem with auto run on the Office 2003 disk doing its thing.
Usually you can avoid auto run if you hold down the shift key as the Office
2003 disc starts. It is not a problem. Close the Office 2003 window and
proceed with browse to the drive to continue Office 2007 installation.



Hello Don and DL,

Again...I thank you for your time and PATIENCE! To add to the issue, after
reading both responses, I inserted the Office 2007 disk and the following
message came up: Only one instance of setup may be run at a time. I'm not
sure what that means because I did nothing more than insert the CD.

In an earlier communication I reported the following: Accessing "C" drive I
then went into Program Files and found the following:
Program Files>Microsoft Office>Office 12, and when I click on an icon (Excel)
I get the following message: "Excel failed to start correctly last time.
Starting Excel in safe mode will help you correct or isolate a startup
problem in order to successfuly start the program. Some functionality may be
disabled in this mode. Do you want to start in safe mode?" Clicking on
"yes" I get the following:' "Not enough memory to run Microsoft Office
Excel. Please close other applications and try again."

After getting the message about 'running one instance'...I again went to
that folder and can see 2007 Office icons. I again got the above message as
well as "This installation package could not be opened, very that the package
exists." I am at a total loss, and truly sorry to be such a bother. We are
leaving on vacation on Sunday--after that I will be away from this issue for
awhile. Lucky you!!

Thanks again!


Did this occur after rebooting the PC?
Did you try deleting temp files then rebooting?


I am having the exact same problem. I have been through all the same
steps and error messages as Katy has reported. I have uninstalled
Office 2007 after being told to do so by Microsoft for having received
an error on validating the installation of the software on my new
computer. Now I can't get it reinstalled for lack of it finding a
prior version. I am at "Setup can't find a version of Microsoft Office
on your computer" and have tried using the CD from my full version of
Office 2003, but it does not detect the CD it as an upgradable
product. I went ahead and reinstalled Office 2003, but that didn't
work either. Still undetected.

The only difference in my case is that originally I had to manually
work through uninstalling the 2007, as the add/remove programs did not
work. I tried Microsoft's Article 928218 and began trying to
uninstall .msi files from the %windir%\installer folder, but it
wouldn't let me do that, so I used windows installer cleanup utility
instead and removed anything it listed related to Office 2007. I do
still have some Office 2007 files still in my system that I am going
to work to remove next, but like Katy, I am at my wit's end with this

Any ideas that you can offer would be greatly appreciated!!!


How new is this PC, by that I mean if you havent saved any data to it, then
use your your recovery disks to put the PC back to factory installed
Once done, and connected to the internet, and *before* you install anything,
allow winupdate to do its thing. Once
MS Update has completed, note you may have to run MS Update a second time to
fully update.
NB install only critical updates, not drivers.

Then uninstall any office trial edition together with any activation
assistant via add/remove dialogue and reboot.
Insert office 2007 cd, early in the installation, it will complain about no
previous edition, swap cd with your 2003 cd and point to it, once verified,
re swap & continue.

PS Theres a note on the uninstall clean up utility not to use with Office


Well, because my brand new computer had been set up for me with a
ghost copy of my old computer on it, I wasn't able to go back to the
factory settings. So, today I went back to the Microsoft Knowledge
base article 928218 and completed the rest of the steps which had me
clear out lingering Office 2007 files and delete associated registry
keys. After a reboot, Office 2007 installed with no error messages and
no prompt for previous version. It appears that after the updates
finish installing, I should be up and running...with only 2 days of my
life lost.
Gotta love computers.

Maybe this will help you Katy....good luck in getting your issue

DL, thanks for the input!



Having returned from vacation and facing the impossibility of getting my
issue resolved without getting into an area of perhaps making matters worse
(deleting files, changing registries, etc), my question is: Having received
the following message: "This product installation has been corrupted. Run
setup again from the CD, DVD, or other original installation source," is it
safe to preume that the install disk will work on a new computer should I
purchase a new one at some time in the future? And, if it doesn't install is
there any recourse as to getting a replacement? Perhaps that is not your
area to respond to, and if so, please advise me whom I should contact.

I thank you again for your time and expertise, and I'm happy to know that
HockeyGal was able to get her problem resolved.


Start a new post, detailing your problems
In hacking into someone elses post it makes it hard to follow yours

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