Can't remove nickname in Outlook 2007



I have Vista, Outlook 2007, the Windows Mobile Device Center, and Q.

I've had the EXACT same setup on my laptop for about 6 months now with no
problems at all.

Today I reconfigured my phone to sync with my desktop instead, which as I
said is the exact same configuration as my laptop. Ever since doing so the
nickname field has been automatically populated and I can't delete them,
Outlook is telling me it's a required field.

I saw a newsgroup post from 2007 with the exact same issue and Russ replied
by saying that the maker of the sync software must have done a bad job. Well,
the sync software is the WMDC so I guess the culprit is MSFT! :)

Seriously, does anyone know why this happened and how I can delete the
nickname field on my contacts?

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