Can anyone shed any light on this...
I can send a mail to anyone, however, I can't reply to a mail. Yet if I
start a new message to that person, no problem. To check, I sent a mail to
myself and replied to it, no joy. I got the message below, I have added
xxxx and yyyyy where my address should be.
xxxxx is what I have set as my return address, this is the address I want
anyone I mail to, to reply to.
yyyyy is the actual address I use to recieve mail.
The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by
the server. The rejected e-mail address was '(e-mail address removed)'. Subject 'Re:
test', Account: 'mail.yyyyy.co.uk', Server: 'mail.yyyyy.co.uk', Protocol:
SMTP, Server Response: '550 relaying to <[email protected]> prohibited by
administrator', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number:
I can send a mail to anyone, however, I can't reply to a mail. Yet if I
start a new message to that person, no problem. To check, I sent a mail to
myself and replied to it, no joy. I got the message below, I have added
xxxx and yyyyy where my address should be.
xxxxx is what I have set as my return address, this is the address I want
anyone I mail to, to reply to.
yyyyy is the actual address I use to recieve mail.
The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by
the server. The rejected e-mail address was '(e-mail address removed)'. Subject 'Re:
test', Account: 'mail.yyyyy.co.uk', Server: 'mail.yyyyy.co.uk', Protocol:
SMTP, Server Response: '550 relaying to <[email protected]> prohibited by
administrator', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: