Can't reset Last Cell & Faster Excel Saves



I running VBA consisting of 5 sheets....don't know is that is pertinent but
thought I would mention it. I cannot seem to reset the last cell.

In my Jan 6 post of "Faster Excel Saves", Charles Williams, Jon Peltier, and
Dave Peterson gave me some good advice. In this response of speeding up
Excel saves was the tip of locating the Last Cell and deleting all
unnecessary rows....found out I was lugging around 10,000 rows when I only
needed 200. This worked for a while and is a very good fix, but I must have
"added "something along the way, because at times the save takes 5 seconds
and other times 90 seconds. Deleted all temp files (Run>%temp%).

I'm working with a Shared Folder situation and true it is faster to save to
the hard drive, but I also have to save it to the file in the Shared Folder.

Last Cell: In speeding up the save, as instructed, I located the Last Cell,
highlighted all columns, saved the file, closed and then reopened the file.
This works great on 4 out of the 5 sheets, but on the 5th sheet, no matter
what I do, Last File always goes to Column IV. This same sheet used to
Last File on column CT. I have no idea what I have done different. I do
have a line of VBA code that references Column IV, but the Last Cell worked
on this sheet before.

I'm sure you guys out there have the answer.

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