Can't rotate


JC Home

I have just inserted some clipart and cropped it. I would like to rotate
the whole thing while grouped together, but the rotate button is not an
option. Any suggestions.

I'm using Word 2000.

Jeff C


Hi, JC Home. Right-click on the clipart, then left-click on Format Picture | Layout <select something other than "Inline with text"> | OK. You should be able to rotate the clipart now.

JC Home

Hey guys,

when I try this, individual parts of the clip art rotate differently. Is
there any way to group and then convert the clip art to a picture and then
rotate the whole thing?



Hi, JC Home. Use the Selection tool (white arrow) on the Drawing toolbar to draw a "box" around all of the clipart objects. This will select all of the clipart objects. Then right-click on an edge of one of the clipart shapes, and left-click on Grouping | Group. Now all of the individual clipart objects will rotate as if they were a single object.

JC Home

The problem is that I need to do two things: 1) crop the original clip art
and 2) rotate the remaining graphic. I was able to crop it, but then when I
ungroup and regroup, it puts all of the original items back uncropped.

Is there a way to do both of these things? I tried to crop and then convert
to a jpeg, but I can't get Word 2000 to then rotate the jpeg. Can this be
done? If so, how?

Thanks again, Jeff Ciaccio
Hi, JC Home. Use the Selection tool (white arrow) on the Drawing toolbar
to draw a "box" around all of the clipart objects. This will select all of
the clipart objects. Then right-click on an edge of one of the clipart
shapes, and left-click on Grouping | Group. Now all of the individual
clipart objects will rotate as if they were a single object.


Hi, JC Home. Did you format the jpeg as not inline-with-text before trying to rotate it?

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