Can't save/permission error


John Holt

I trashed the normal template now I get a box telling me "can't save due to
file permission error" only sometimes the word normal follows this advice

Beth Rosengard

Hi John,

First, please don't change the name of a thread you started; it makes it
difficult to follow.

Second, did you read my response to your previous post (on the "Global
template normal" thread) where I recommended renaming, not trashing, the
Normal template?

Third, you said in one of your posts that you're using Word 2001 in OS
9.2.1, but you're posting from Entourage X which suggests that you have OS X
installed on your computer and are using Word 2001 in Classic or that you're
booting into OS 9.2.1. Is that right (or are you posting from a different

If I've guessed right, then I suggest that you run Repair Disk Permissions.
To do the latter, go to Macintosh HD/Applications/Utilities. Open up Disk
Utility. Select your hard disk, then click the First Aid tab. Click the
button to "Repair Disk Permissions".

Also, is your version of Office 2001 fully updated? In particular, have you
ever installed the Service Release 1?

And, finally, it's my understanding that if you're running OS 9.x with OS X
installed, you should be upgraded to OS 9.2.2.

Hope something here helps.

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <>
Entourage Help Page: <>

John Holt

Hi John,

First, please don't change the name of a thread you started; it makes it
difficult to follow.

Second, did you read my response to your previous post (on the "Global
template normal" thread) where I recommended renaming, not trashing, the
Normal template?

Third, you said in one of your posts that you're using Word 2001 in OS
9.2.1, but you're posting from Entourage X which suggests that you have OS X
installed on your computer and are using Word 2001 in Classic or that you're
booting into OS 9.2.1. Is that right (or are you posting from a different

If I've guessed right, then I suggest that you run Repair Disk Permissions.
To do the latter, go to Macintosh HD/Applications/Utilities. Open up Disk
Utility. Select your hard disk, then click the First Aid tab. Click the
button to "Repair Disk Permissions".

Also, is your version of Office 2001 fully updated? In particular, have you
ever installed the Service Release 1?

And, finally, it's my understanding that if you're running OS 9.x with OS X
installed, you should be upgraded to OS 9.2.2.

Hope something here helps.

Beth, I trashed the normal template file and can't see where I can get Word
to create a new one.
I am asking these questions on behalf of a friend who uses a beige G3
running 9.2.1, and having permission problem whenever she wants to save
files. I am considering advising her to reformat her HD and install the
original OS which is 8.1

Thank you so much for your help

John Holt

Beth, I trashed the normal template file and can't see where I can get Word
to create a new one.
I am asking these questions on behalf of a friend who uses a beige G3
running 9.2.1, and having permission problem whenever she wants to save
files. I am considering advising her to reformat her HD and install the
original OS which is 8.1

Thank you so much for your help
Now all fixed.
By chance I decided to replace the time/date etc battery and now all is
Does this make sense to anyone.
Thanks again to those who responded.

John McGhie [MVP - Word]

Hi John:

Oh, sure. If the system clock is wrong, the OS is supposed to prevent you
saving files with an illegal date/time stamp. For example, if you try to
save a file before it was created, the OS will whack you!

And you can't *prevent* Word from creating a new Normal Template if it
cannot find one when it starts. That file is one of its most important
scratch-pads: it contains thousands of settings (literally) and Word won't
run without it: it generates a new one if it can't find it, and holds it in
memory. It will save it when you next quit.


This responds to on Sun, 06 Jul 2003
13:15:29 +1000 said:
Now all fixed.
By chance I decided to replace the time/date etc battery and now all is
Does this make sense to anyone.
Thanks again to those who responded.

Please post all comments to the newsgroup to maintain the thread.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

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