Holger Simon
I have installed Office 2007 on a Terminal-Server. If a user change
settings(e.g. Toolbar), these settings are not saved. I deleted the
normal.dotm, but it doesn't help. It seems that the settings are not written
in the Registry, on other machines the Key
HCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Data\Settings changed, here it seems
Kind regards
Holger Simon
I have installed Office 2007 on a Terminal-Server. If a user change
settings(e.g. Toolbar), these settings are not saved. I deleted the
normal.dotm, but it doesn't help. It seems that the settings are not written
in the Registry, on other machines the Key
HCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Data\Settings changed, here it seems
Kind regards
Holger Simon