Can't Scroll Inactive Windows



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

One of the best features of Leopard is inactive scrolling using the scroll wheel. It is integral to my use of my computer.

I can scroll inactive windows in PowerPoint and Excel, but for some reason, I cannot scroll an inactive Word window from without Office, e.g. while using Safari.

To repeat: I cannot scroll inactive Word windows, but am able to scroll inactive windows of Excel and PowerPoint.

I have:
repaired permissions
removed office
reinstalled office
had the problem replicated in a clean test account.

Thanks in advance for any tips/suggestions.


JE McGimpsey

One of the best features of Leopard is inactive scrolling using the scroll
wheel. It is integral to my use of my computer.

I can scroll inactive windows in PowerPoint and Excel, but for some reason, I
cannot scroll an inactive Word window from without Office, e.g. while using

To repeat: I cannot scroll inactive Word windows, but am able to scroll
inactive windows of Excel and PowerPoint.

I have:
repaired permissions
removed office
reinstalled office
had the problem replicated in a clean test account.

Thanks in advance for any tips/suggestions.

IIRC, this feature has been in OS X since Jaguar, and I don't recall
Word ever implementing it.

Make sure you use Help/Send Feedback to tell MacBU that you want that

FWIW, I have a few other apps that don't scroll inactive windows either.

Also FWIW - there's almost never anything to be gained by
removing/reinstalling Mac applications. They just don't corrupt that
frequently. Preferences or Application Support documents are far more
likely to be the source of problems. The fact that you found the same
behavior in a clean account indicates it's not a preference issue either.


Unfortunately this is true of 208 as well - Word just doesn't conform to
that behavior. It would be worth your while to use Help> Send Feedback to
make your point for that to be included, but I wouldn't expect it prior to
the next major release.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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