Can't search by font size. Why not?


George T, SLC

Or rather, I can enter a font size as a search criterion, but it usually
fails. Weirder yet, combined with a font name it may or may not fail. For
instance, in a document containing the following true statements, all in
Times New Roman, the font plus 12 pt (the default for the style) succeeds,
but the font w/ 13 or 14 pt as a criterion fail
This is 12 pt.
This is 14 pt.
This is 13 pt.
I'm using Word 2003 SP1.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi George,

I created a new document with your sample text and used Ctrl+F to search for Format=>Font=>13 points and it found the line
containing it. If I added ^> to the search line it would find each character of that size individually.

Or rather, I can enter a font size as a search criterion, but it usually
fails. Weirder yet, combined with a font name it may or may not fail. For
instance, in a document containing the following true statements, all in
Times New Roman, the font plus 12 pt (the default for the style) succeeds,
but the font w/ 13 or 14 pt as a criterion fail
This is 12 pt.
This is 14 pt.
This is 13 pt.
I'm using Word 2003 SP1.<<

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Klaus Linke

Hi George,

Do you have support for any exotic languages installed? Or maybe the doc comes from somebody who uses exotic languages?

Try to search for the font and font size with a macro, but use Font.NameAscii instead of Font.Name... Does the macro find the text now?

Word may use several different fonts -- one for Latin text, another for right-to-left text like Hebrew or Arabic, a third for Asian text...
Sometimes, the Find dialog will show additional tabs to specify these different fonts, but if it does not, you may have to search by macro.


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi George,

You're correct. :) It should have read
^? not ^>

The ^? would be an 'any character' match.

==========Yes, and I just tried a colleague's machine, and it worked just mine used to.
(See further reply to next comment.)

Side issue: You probably don't mean ^ (capitalized 6) followed by >
(capitalized period), but that's how it's displaying on my screen. And when
I try ^>, I'm told it's "not a valid special character for the Find What box." >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi George,

While there are registry entries that Word can read to look for features removing just those entries may not undo the language
features that are there, but might mask them.

If you go to Start=>Programs=>Microsoft Office=>Microsoft Office Tools
and pull up the 'Microsoft Office Language Settings' tool
check to see what languages are enabled and you may want to add one, close the tool, restart it then set remove them with the same

Are any of the documents that you are opening ones that may have been created when you had other languages enabled? The styles
(Format Styles or the Styles Task Pane) may list right to left font/language information if it's present when you select text.

==========No sir, but I used to. I didn't mean to--I'd merely installed a
right-to-left font or two, and Word accommodated what it thought I needed.

The extra and useless choices (and possibly tabs) were driving me crazy
until somebody told me what to change in the registry to remove that language

I now have a new machine, and don't see how that situation could affect the
current problem--I don't think I have any such fonts installed now. (And is
there any quick way to recognize them among my 1,451 current?) But if any of
y'all can suggest what I need to do, I'll probably try it. <<

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

George T, SLC

Yes, and I just tried a colleague's machine, and it worked just mine used to.
(See further reply to next comment.)

Side issue: You probably don't mean ^ (capitalized 6) followed by >
(capitalized period), but that's how it's displaying on my screen. And when
I try ^>, I'm told it's "not a valid special character for the Find What box."

George T, SLC

No sir, but I used to. I didn't mean to--I'd merely installed a
right-to-left font or two, and Word accommodated what it thought I needed.

The extra and useless choices (and possibly tabs) were driving me crazy
until somebody told me what to change in the registry to remove that language

I now have a new machine, and don't see how that situation could affect the
current problem--I don't think I have any such fonts installed now. (And is
there any quick way to recognize them among my 1,451 current?) But if any of
y'all can suggest what I need to do, I'll probably try it.

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