We're both talking about the exact same thing. Isn't this new interface
easy to describe. I can't wait to have to explain it to people who want
to use PowerPoint.
For the most part, once you get used to the new terminology for the various bits (tabs,
chunks -- for now; I expect it'll change by release) it's not that difficult.
That begs the question of why we should have to. Whether you like Windows or Mac
comptuers, the thing that makes them work for users is that there's a common set of
interface conventions that the OS and virtually ALL apps follow. A contract, if you
will, that in exchange for giving lots of resources to the OS and UI, the user in return
gets to count on a few universals. There will ALWAYS be a FILE menu, and under it, the
user will find stuff having to do with Files.
This breaks the contract.
[Macro recorder]
Yikes! How come I didn't see the PPT and VB MVPs screaming bloody murder
about it?
I expect that some of that'd fall under NDA. On the other hand, the macro recorder's
never been all THAT useful. It'll guide you to the right method or property sometimes,
but you can rarely use its code as-is for much of anything.
I still use it in Excel or Word because I don't know those object models, so I'll miss
it there. OTOH, I'd have a machine with another version of Office on it, so mostly I'd
miss the convenience of having it on the same machine.
I only want to display the buttons that I choose. I don't like the ones
that the PPT team picked out for me.
How's your XML?
Seriously. Other than the QAT, you don't get to push the buttons around any more.
Time for one of us to make an add-in that customizes the ribbon thingy.
I think Patrick Schmid is already working on one.
The MacBU will not be able to duplicate the ribbon. The Mac UI requires
Is that a "Best practices" sort of recommendation or does it literally not function w/o
Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP