Can't see detailed tasks in PWA (Server 2003), SP1



We imported a project (the EIF Project which is part of the Project Server
Resource Kit) The Project shows in Project Central. The Project is checked
in. We are unable to see any of the detailed tasks below. We are able to
access our Project via Project Professional and see all the tasks so we know
they are there.

We are getting the following message:

There is no information to display in this view

Either the project manager has not published the project plan or there is no
information in the project plan to display.

How do we fix this problem?

Marc Soester

Hi PG,
I would first check of you have sufficient access rights to actually see
some view's when you drill down to the project level.
You can achieve this by drilling down from the project center into a
project. Then try to choose another view under “chose a viewâ€. Should the
view area be “greyed out†then you don’t have access right to Project views,
which can cause this error message. All you then would need to do is give
yourself access rights.

Should you however be able to choose a view but are still not able to see
the tasks, you may want to try to publish a project in Project Professional
and see if you receive a spooler error. Sometimes this it a reason for seeing
a project in project center, but not been able to see the detailed task. If
this is the case, you may want to check you have Service Pack 1 installed.

I hope this helps


Thanks for the ideas but

1. we are getting a spooler error every now and them but we are sp1 on the
server and the client.

2. we have tried the drill down you suggest and still get the error. we have
tried alternative views. the project is published. we can access it from
project. we can do almost all other tasks from the PWA menus. we just can not
drill down. we are not greyed out on anything. we are drilling down from the
"administrator" and we have tried other combinations and users. we can do
things like change project center and resource center views with ease.

we are simply stuck in that every project we upload works in every possible
way EXCEPT we can't drill down.

Marc Soester

hmmmm, now that is strange. I will have a look if the MSDN had a problem like
this in the past. I will get back to you once I find something.
Sorry that I cant be of more help for now.



1. We are going to re-verify the patch level. We know clilents are ok but
will double check server. We know all security W2k3 server are posted. We did
download the sp1 for server an applied during installation but we will check

2. is there a "fast, simple" screen or way to make sure our components for
PWA are at the correct release level

3. In reading mutiple books on server, from the Bible by Mormel, there is a
quote on page 634, under title PROJECT PLAN: "If you publish the summary
only, you see the project in the Project Center but you can't drill down adn
see details because they aren't there." When IT comes in later, we will also
check this...because it sounds related... Does this make sense to you?


We verfied that we are at the current patch level on the server and the
client. We have also posted another thread concerning how to recover from
MSP_WEB_ADMIN table not initialized. The spooler aborted with the previous
message when we did a collaborate/publish/republish assignments.

Marc Soester

Hi PG,

I suspect that, looking at your reply, that you have found a way to check if
your SP1 is installed.
You do have a good point with the publishing. When you publish a project to
Project Server Do you use "Collaborate" > "Publish" > "All information"?

I believe that your book indicates is that if you use "Collaborate" >
"Publish" > "Project Plan", Project Professional will ask you if you want to
publish only the summary ( meaning that you would see your project only in
Project Center, but you are not able to drill down to the tasks)
or Project Plan with Summary ( meaning that you are able to drill down

There is an option under Project Professional > Tools > Option > Collaborate
that give you the ability that when you save that you alway publish the
Project summary at the same time.
You may want to check if this option is "ticked" on in Project Professional.
It would explain why you cant drill down to the tasks. I hope that helps PG


We have reinstalled Project Server and applied SP1. We have imported our
project again. We get the same error. We also continue to get the error
MS_WEB_ADMIN table not initialized. We are dead in the water. What do we do

Marc Soester

Hi PG,

have you checked the Project Professional options as to my last reply?
I am sorry at this stage I dont know what the MS_WEB_ADMIN table not
initialised can be. Where exactly do you get this error message? in the
spooler or the event log?


Yes i did check the check box issue.

THe error is spooler. It is a documented error in Appendix E of admin
manual. I got this from listening the to web cast on Spooler on the tech net
site...that was a good presentation. Unfortunately the manual does not say
how to recover or respond to the error -- just that the error is "known"..

How do i move forward now?

Marc Soester

Hi PG,
Can you please send the exact error that you receive in the spooler?


MSP_WEB_ADMIN table not initialized (this corresponds exactly to the error
message per Appendix E of the PS 2003 Admin Reference guide)


We eventually did reinstalls. We did all the updates again. Seems to work now.

BUT -- one of the things we have noticed is the extremely poor error log and
error reporting. so many errors are so general and of no help like those i
have documented.

The error we had just resulted in a click that did nothing. But something
must have gone wrong -- we had no message so there was no solution. We ran
into about 10 more such errors where the error was just useless

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