Hey Rick!
Thanks for your reply.
Sorry! I'm a spanking beginner - didn't know there was a record source for
the the 'form'. What I posted you was the only query I had set up as yet in
this form (the form has 6 tabs and I had only set up for the first tab as
yet). Most of the form is actually display (so will be read only)- the data
is actually being entered on forms opening from this one. In a way, it is
like a control form, hence most of this is simply bound fields. Here is the
FORMS record source:
SELECT [Term Plans].PlanName, [Term Plans].TermYear, [Term
Plans].TermNumber, [Term Plans].TermID, [Curriculum
Choices].CurriculumChoicesID, [Detailed Elements].ShortElements,
CriteriaSheet.AssessmentsIDF, CriteriaSheet.CriteriaA,
CriteriaSheet.CriteriaB, CriteriaSheet.CriteriaC, CriteriaSheet.CriteriaD,
CriteriaSheet.CriteriaE, CriteriaSheet.Criteria1, CriteriaSheet.Criteria2,
CriteriaSheet.Criteria3, CriteriaSheet.Criteria4, CriteriaSheet.Criteria5,
CriteriaSheet.Criteria6, Assessments.AssessmentName,
Assessments.AssessmentYear, Assessments.AssessmentType,
Assessments.DateImplemented, Assessments.DateDue
FROM [Term Plans] INNER JOIN (([Detailed Elements] INNER JOIN Assessments ON
[Detailed Elements].DetailedElementsID = Assessments.DetailedElementsIDF)
INNER JOIN (CriteriaSheet INNER JOIN [Curriculum Choices] ON
CriteriaSheet.AssessmentsIDF = [Curriculum Choices].AssessmentsIDF) ON
[Detailed Elements].DetailedElementsID = [Curriculum
Choices].DetailedElementsIDF) ON [Term Plans].TermID = [Curriculum
The "Term Plans" table is one of many tables I have created within this
project. I think that means that it is a local one. Am I correct in assuming
that a linked table is joined from another project file? (sorry, brand new
beginner ;-)).
I really appreciate your time and help
Rick Brandt said:
Hey Rick,
Thanks for your time. Here is the Record Source from that one unbound
I asked for the RecordSource of your form. Is that what you posted?
SELECT [Term Plans].TermID, [Term Plans].PlanName, [Term
Plans].TermYear, [Term Plans].TermNumber
FROM [Term Plans]
ORDER BY [Term Plans].TermYear DESC , [Term Plans].TermNumber DESC;
...but the table "Term Plans" has 36 records in it. I have 2 other tabs
set up with bound fields but no other pull of data from the database. My
other data form properties are as follows:
Recordset Type: Dynaset
Fetch Defaults: Yes
Filter On Load: No
Order By On Load: Yes
Data Entry: Yes
Allow Additions: Yes
Allow Deletions: Yes
Allow Edits: Yes
Allow Filters: Yes
Rcords Locks: No Locks
Assuming this is your form's RecordSource is Term Plans a local table or
a linked one? Since you have DataEntry set to true the form should not
show any data, but you should see the controls on the New Record position.