I have a table with both imported data and new records. The table contains a
phone number and is formatted as follows (xxx) xxx-xxxx. If I try to "filter
by form" on the phone number all new records work just fine. In all old
imported records the phone numbers are invisible to the filter. In both the
table and the form the phone number is in the same format and is displayed
the same.
I tried an Update Query as follows:
Update client set client.PhoneNumber = "(" & left([PhoneNumber],3)
& ") " & mid([PhoneNumber],4,3) & "-" & Right([PhoneNumber],4);
but this wiped out all the phone numbers replacing them with a single 0.
I recovered the phone numbers by going to my backup copy. (Yep, some of us
actually back up our data prior to attempting major changes!!
Anyone have any ideas how I can update all the old numbers automatically
(programatically). If I retype the old phone numbers in manually the filter
is then able to find then. I just hate the idea of reentering all those old
phone numbers manually.
phone number and is formatted as follows (xxx) xxx-xxxx. If I try to "filter
by form" on the phone number all new records work just fine. In all old
imported records the phone numbers are invisible to the filter. In both the
table and the form the phone number is in the same format and is displayed
the same.
I tried an Update Query as follows:
Update client set client.PhoneNumber = "(" & left([PhoneNumber],3)
& ") " & mid([PhoneNumber],4,3) & "-" & Right([PhoneNumber],4);
but this wiped out all the phone numbers replacing them with a single 0.
I recovered the phone numbers by going to my backup copy. (Yep, some of us
actually back up our data prior to attempting major changes!!
Anyone have any ideas how I can update all the old numbers automatically
(programatically). If I retype the old phone numbers in manually the filter
is then able to find then. I just hate the idea of reentering all those old
phone numbers manually.