Can't see project data in PWA

  • Thread starter Claudio Hidetoshi
  • Start date

Claudio Hidetoshi

I published a project and worked in it until few time ago with no problem.

I didn't know what was happening, but the updates were not reflecting in PWA
(Project View).

Than, I removed the project and published it again, in the attempt of
correcting the problem. But now, I can't see any data in PWA (Project view).

I already verified that Project Server services are ok.

Does anybody have some idea?


Claudio Hidetoshi - Brazil


I have found that I have to save, publish and then actually close the
Project before it shows up in PWA with my edits. Sometimes, just Save and
Publish do the trick but after I close the Project and then just refresh my
PWA screen, I have not had any problems.

Luiz Carlos

Olá Claudio,

Você fez essas alterações via base de dados do Project? Eu também estou
tendo problemas para atualizar a baseline de vários projetos. Fiz o update no
BD mas as atualizações não aparecem no PWA.

Você já conseguiu resolver?

Um abraço


Claudio Hidetoshi

Thank you CQ.

Some times, this tip function very well and the data is viewed in PWA after
save, publish and close.

But, this time, nothing is done.

The project tables are updated, but the views tables aren't.

The funniest thing is: "I deleted the project and published it again and no
data can be viewed in PWA".

Claudio Hidetoshi

Olá Luiz,
estou utilizando o MS Project para atualizar os dados no banco de dados.
Ainda não tenho uma solução para o problema, infelizmente.

Assim que tiver uma resposta, coloco no newsgroup.

Um abraço,

Cláudio Hidetoshi.

Claudio Hidetoshi

Saiu um novo service pack (SP2a) para o Project Server 2003.
Existem duas indicações neste service pack que podem solucionar os problemas
de atualização de dados no PWA.

Estarei aplicando o service pack e postando no newsgroup o resultado.

Um abraço,

Cláudio Hidetoshi.

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