Can't see the data I've entered in the form



Hi, I've created a form based on three tables linked by their subject
reference number (given by me) which is the primary key. The database is to
enter research data and the tables are 1) participant demographics, 2)
questionnaire1 and 3) questionnaire2.

I've tried to enter data for one participant to try out the database.
Although this data has stored in the demographic table (which is as far as I
got entering data), it does not show up in the form. Even though, it clearly
knows there is a record existing because when I try to re-enter it in the
form it puts an error message up recognising that I'm trying to reuse an
existing subject reference number. However, the form is completely blank.

In form properties, data entry is set to 'no'.

Any help would be much appreciated

Keith Wilby

christomancy said:
Hi, I've created a form based on three tables linked by their subject
reference number (given by me) which is the primary key. The database is
enter research data and the tables are 1) participant demographics, 2)
questionnaire1 and 3) questionnaire2.

I've tried to enter data for one participant to try out the database.
Although this data has stored in the demographic table (which is as far as
got entering data), it does not show up in the form. Even though, it
knows there is a record existing because when I try to re-enter it in the
form it puts an error message up recognising that I'm trying to reuse an
existing subject reference number. However, the form is completely blank.

In form properties, data entry is set to 'no'.

Any help would be much appreciated

If the tables are related one-to-many then base your main form on your main
table and include sub-forms for the child tables.



Hi Keith,

Thanks for your help - no, the tables are related one to one because there
shouldn't be more than one lot of demographic data and one version of the two
questionnaires for each participant. Can you think of anything else?

Keith said:
Hi, I've created a form based on three tables linked by their subject
reference number (given by me) which is the primary key. The database is
[quoted text clipped - 14 lines]
Any help would be much appreciated

If the tables are related one-to-many then base your main form on your main
table and include sub-forms for the child tables.


PieterLinden via

christomancy said:
Hi Keith,

Thanks for your help - no, the tables are related one to one because there
shouldn't be more than one lot of demographic data and one version of the two
questionnaires for each participant. Can you think of anything else?

Is the DataEntry property of the form set to Yes?

Keith Wilby

christomancy said:
Hi Keith,

Thanks for your help - no, the tables are related one to one because there
shouldn't be more than one lot of demographic data and one version of the
questionnaires for each participant. Can you think of anything else?

So the fields you've populated pertain to just one table? I've never worked
with 1:1 joins but could it be that the other tables are empty?


John W. Vinson

Hi, I've created a form based on three tables linked by their subject
reference number (given by me) which is the primary key. The database is to
enter research data and the tables are 1) participant demographics, 2)
questionnaire1 and 3) questionnaire2.

I've tried to enter data for one participant to try out the database.
Although this data has stored in the demographic table (which is as far as I
got entering data), it does not show up in the form. Even though, it clearly
knows there is a record existing because when I try to re-enter it in the
form it puts an error message up recognising that I'm trying to reuse an
existing subject reference number. However, the form is completely blank.

In form properties, data entry is set to 'no'.

Any help would be much appreciated

Are you basing the form on a Query joining all three tables? If so, that's a
mistake: you will see data on screen only if ALL THREE tables contain data.
Even if you have one to one relationships (which is almost surely a mistake,
see below) you should consider using a Form based on Demographics, with two
independent Subforms based on the other two tables.

It sounds like you have fallen into the very common trap of "one field per
question" in your questionnaires. This is tempting but is VERY limiting and
leads to maintenance nightmares, difficult queries, exceeding Access' limits
on record sizes, etc. etc. A better design for questionnaires involves a many
to many relationship between Responders and Questions, both related
one-to-many to a table of Answers (each responder answers MANY questions; each
question is answered by MANY responders). For a good working example see
Duane Hookum's "At Your Survey":'At Your Survey 2000'


Roger Carlson's Training Registration database:

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