Can't see top bored of box around object




I have seen this in various versions of Word over the years and have usually
been able to fix it by trial and error, but not this time.

I cut and past a picture (object) into a word document. Then I click on the
Border Button to but an ouside border around the object (a box to frame it).
But, sometimes (seems worse when that object is at the top of the page), the
top border doesn't display or print - only the two side borders and bottom
border are visible.

Any ideas what is causing this? I am guessing it is some
paragraph/formatting/font issue, but as I said, I have only happened to fix
it by trial and error in the past



Keith Howell

Put one of your bordered pictures on a page (toward the top). Now draw a
rectangle the same size and to the right of it . Now print and see if you
lose the top of both

It might be that you are simply experiencing the fact that your printer will
not print right to the edge of your paper

Keith Howell

Brucer said:
Sorry, I just read your post more carefully and you say it doesn't display
either. Out of interest, what version of Word are you using



Thanks for the feedback. I am using Word 2003, SP3. But, as I said, I also
saw this in at least 2 or 3 previous version of Word. Seems like sometimes
if I change the font of the paragraphs immediately before and after, it fixes
it (but not always). Sometimes it seems that if I format the paragraphs
immediately before and after - for example, to add 6 points before paragraph)
that fixes it, but not always.

I am sure there is some basic underlying thing about how Word processes
borders around objects that I just don't understand.

By the way, what I typically do is cut and paste an object (picture) from a
jpeg file or a capture from Snagit, and then I select the object and click
the outside border button. Maybe there are other techniques that would work
better. Create the bordered "place holder" or "frame" for the object first,
and then pasting in the object? Perhaps creating a one-cell table, and then
paste into that?

Haven't tried any of these things yet, as it seems like I should be able to
make the other way work ....

Keith Howell

Select your picture, select Format/Borders & shading, then select "Box". Now
set a large line width and some strong colour, what happens when you click on
the various buttons in the Preview panel? Can you see your top border now?



Thanks for the additional feedback. Yes, I have tried this in the past as
well and it seems like the larger (bolder) the line used for the box, the
more likely it will show up. When I use the default 1/2-point line, it
sometimes does and sometimes doesn't. With larger (thicker) borders, it
seems to routinely show up. But, then, I haven't played with it enough to
convince myself that that will always work.

Oh well, it seems to be working for now, so I'll just not touch those
diagrams and hope for the best. Another one of those mysteries that I may
never fully understand

thanks for your ideas and help

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