Cant' seem to get right data from Query



I having problems with getting right data. I need to get
records that are equal in another table. But one of the
tables has +++, * Characters, which in that table are wild
cards. So what I did was I created two queries usign
leftpart function. Here are my two queries:
Query1 Prefixes Query2 Prefixes
Part8 Part8Character
Part7 Part7Character
Part6 Part6Character
Part5 Part5Character
Part4 Part4character
Part3 Part3 character.
I tried to create another query and drag the Part8 to the
Part8character and select Include all records from query1
and only those records from Queyry2 where fields are
equal.When I do it for one, it seems to work but when I
add all of them it doesn't. Hope I'm exlaining it right.
Please review and advise any help.
Thank you,

Michel Walsh


Have you tried something with the operator LIKE instead of a strict = ?

SELECT query2.*, query1.*
FROM query2, query1
WHERE query2.Prefixes LIKE query1.Prefixes & "*"

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP


Hello Michael,
thanks. I'll try this. I acutally, run some append queries
to create a total and then create a query base on this. I
think looks fine. But trying to do least of if so will
take your suggestion.
Once again thanks,


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