Can't send email from OneNote 2007 to Outlook 2003



When I click the mail icon in OneNote 2007 or select File>E-mail... nothing
happens. The 'send as attachment' options also do not work. Any suggestions

I am running Office 2003 Professional with Outlook 2007. Other
compatibility features are working such as clicking the OneNote icon within
Outlook to create meeting notes in OneNote.

I have a brand new Toshiba M400 tablet with very little software installed
and no configuration changes.

Patrick Schmid

The next beta version (when it will be out, we don't know) of ON 2007
might work better with Outlook 2003.

Patrick Schmid

Rainald Taesler

Cam said:
When I click the mail icon in OneNote 2007 or select File>E-mail...
nothing happens. The 'send as attachment' options also do not work.
Any suggestions please?

As has been said here many times, at present there are problems with
the Beta versions.

As a workaround you might use Outlook Express (OE) which
If the latter is set as the standard mail handler, ON' mail features
work fine.

If possible (would depend on your mail provider) you might use IMAP
instead of POP3. This way you can use the same mail-folders on the
mail-server with both mail programs (Outlook as well as OE).



Kia ora,

Thank you for your replies. It looks like I have stumbled upon a known bug
and will just have to wait for a future release.

Isn't it a bit odd though that such an obvious feature doesn't work?
Perphaps it is 'disabled' to encourage users to trial Office 2007 alongside
OneNote 2007. I tried this but Outlook 2007 was so unstable that I had to
re-image my laptop and start again.


Patrick Schmid

Isn't it a bit odd though that such an obvious feature doesn't work?
Perphaps it is 'disabled' to encourage users to trial Office 2007 alongside
OneNote 2007. I tried this but Outlook 2007 was so unstable that I had to
re-image my laptop and start again.
Why is a feature simply not working yet in a beta version immediately
reason for a conspiracy theory? Naturally, MS has to make sure that
OneNote 2007 works first with Outlook 2007. Then they do ON 2007 and OL
2003. They simply didn't get the latter one down in time for B2. It's a
beta and you just have to deal with it. Certainly not a reason to bring
about any crazy speculations as to the motivations of MS. Save those for
"obvious" features that are not present in the released version next
year. The release version is the one that counts, not any of the beta

Patrick Schmid

Steve Silverwood

Kia ora,

Thank you for your replies. It looks like I have stumbled upon a known bug
and will just have to wait for a future release.

Isn't it a bit odd though that such an obvious feature doesn't work?
Perphaps it is 'disabled' to encourage users to trial Office 2007 alongside
OneNote 2007. I tried this but Outlook 2007 was so unstable that I had to
re-image my laptop and start again.

Might I make a belated suggestion? Since Microsoft has now released
Virtual PC as a free product, you can leave your main system configured
with Office 2003 applications, and set up a virtual machine (VM) with
Windows XP as the OS and a straight installation of the Office 2007
Beta. This isolates everything you do in the VM from the rest of your

Once you have the OS and Office applications configured to your
satisfaction, close down the VM and make a copy of the .VHD file (your
virtual hard drive). You can then go in and do whatever you want to the
system, beat it up to your heart's content, and then if you manage to
completely farble up the system, you can copy the backup VHD over the
one that got hosed and voila! You're back where you started.

Also, Virtual PC has a setting for the VM that enables the use of "undo
disks" -- everything you do in the VM is written to the undo disk, then
when you close the VM you're asked if you want to write the changes to
the VHD. If you don't write the changes, it resets everything back to
where it was when you started that session.

[Yes, I'm a big fan of Virtual PC. No, I don't work for Microsoft.]


-- //Steve//

Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA
Email: (e-mail address removed)

Rainald Taesler

Steve said:
[Yes, I'm a big fan of Virtual PC. No, I don't work for Microsoft.]

Is it you who did the Knowledgebase for dBASE Inc.?

(ex dBDACH - dBASE User Group Germany, Austria, Switzerland)

Steve Silverwood

Steve said:
[Yes, I'm a big fan of Virtual PC. No, I don't work for Microsoft.]

Is it you who did the Knowledgebase for dBASE Inc.?

I am the guilty party, yes.


-- //Steve//

Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA
Email: (e-mail address removed)

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