Can't send email -Outlook 2003 - HELP



Using 2003...desktop and laptop on wireless router....all computer settings
checked o.k. - hadn't been changed. Had intermittent lockups....think
problem was having 2 antivirus programs on at same time on the desk
top....uninstalled and the desk top works o.k. sending/rec. email. Can
receive email from laptop ...can't send getting msg.
Task ' (1) - Receiving' reported error (0x8004210E) : 'Your
mailbox is temporarily unavailable because another e-mail message is being
delivered to it or another mail application is accessing it. The server
responded: -ERR box locked' cable network advised contacting Microsoft.

Brian Tillman

volunteer said:
Using 2003...desktop and laptop on wireless router....all computer
settings checked o.k. - hadn't been changed. Had intermittent
lockups....think problem was having 2 antivirus programs on at same
time on the desk top....uninstalled and the desk top works o.k.
sending/rec. email. Can receive email from laptop ...can't send
getting msg.
Task ' (1) - Receiving' reported error (0x8004210E) :
'Your mailbox is temporarily unavailable because another e-mail
message is being delivered to it or another mail application is
accessing it. The server responded: -ERR box locked' cable
network advised contacting Microsoft.

This is a server message that indicates more than one client is trying to
access the mailbox on the server. The (1) after the mask name seems to
indicate that you have two accounts defined trying to access the same
mailbox. Just for completeness, you should also make sure you do not scan
incoming mail with your antivirus program.

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